31 thoughts on “Arturia PolyBrute Synthesizer Musical Demo

        1. lol I feel that, loopop is as dry as the sahara in a drought, he’s literally a much less musically-talented Nick Batt. I appreciate the information he brings but only in 10 second chunks before I drift off

    1. I’ve owned the matrix and mini2 and learned the hard way the Arturia analog sound is not for me. I could not coax the depth and body from the oscillators I would get from Moog or my Erica stuff (which may actually be a good thing for an analog poly).

      The morphing is awesome! It reminds me of the ribbon on the drumbrute. I freaking loved that ribbon, but not enough to overcome the lackluster sound and justify keeping it.

  1. Has some stuff competition at that price for only 6 voices – just been listening to my Summit – it’s a tough call that will ultimately depend on how you like the sound.

  2. Arthuria with the Matrixbrute started sharpening her nails, with the Polybrute continues and raises the bar quite high. Will the others just be spectators?

  3. Really not convinced by any demo for the moment ( and listening stereo with subass … not computer stuff)
    This one reminds me of the cheesy musikmesse demos from korg and roland …. sorry
    except for mutable – arturia microfreak , the brand has not impressed me yet

  4. Now that looks like one fine synth. I really like the added controllers. The ribbon and the martenot-thingy. But since comments at this site is mostly aimed at details to dislike… here’s mine: I don’t like the name – Brute… it’s a tad narrow.. sort of like all it can do is competing with a distorted B3.

    1. Who cares about the name?
      I care about the sound, and I don’t care about the sound of any Brute Synth. Too harsh. No cream.
      The MicroFreak is the only Arturia synth I am interested in, and that one is also a bit harsh.

  5. Looks like they jammed all the synths together into one eh.I love my Freak. All I need really. This thing is like $3k? I dunno…Right now I’d rather spend that on food and ammo.

  6. I think its a creditable step up on several counts, but I can’t quite envision where it would FIT for some people. Some can buy a $3K synth a month, others sweat to land just one as their centerpiece. I’m not a modular player (more softsynth than hardware now), but the best indicator of synth’s aim in this general area is often the CV/Gate jacks. Most Prophets are “player’s synths” for the key-centric & Korg’s Prologue has Sync- In/Out, but neither does modular control. If you have any Eurorack gear, the Poly’s CV/Gate is a win.

  7. arturia instrument sound good and have many many technolgy beatiful features inside. This polybrute seem to be a new good analog poly. But the thing that i’m not understabnd is this: why they don’t put inside this big monster a part of the technolgy that microfreak has got? Anolog stuf+ wavetable stuff?

    1. This has been a secret until like a few days ago, maybe something like a MicroBr… A uh…. Freakybrute might be around the corner. They do have this micro-mini-matrix-poly naming convention going. Maybe the “Freak” will have its own franchise.

  8. Yamaha AN1x also had the scene or patch morph capability, which I think is pretty cool if used creatively. Given the feature set and controls I would think this will end up being more of a “player’s synth” though only having 6 voices for this price does seem a bit limited.

  9. The success of Synthesizers rise or fall on the quality of demos. This does not sound good. The muddiness in the low end of this demo sounds awful. They need to hire a professional musician to do a demo. I’m sure this synth in the right hands can sound great. Dave Smith Instruments in the past has put out some terrible demos.

  10. 1) Its A demo, not THE demo. The rule is this: you watch 12 or so, at which point you’re as close to a good judgement call as you can make without hands-on time. Nick Batt & Daniel Fisher are hella good at it.

    2) Marc Doty is known to the synth glitterati for being highly capable. I lean in when he appears; I always get some good from it. I’d love to hear a more fleshed-out version of this.

    3) You need a spoonful of STFU if you feel too offended! šŸ˜€ You ought to know what kind of a player you are by now. That goes 3x when we bitch on Synthtopia, incl. me. Its not a synth I’d go for (I’m into Pigments), but its the kind of dream-item that makes some newbies ride a bike & cut grass for a while longer because they need a PolyBrute more than a car.

  11. Price is probably justified by hardware component – it is big, it has analogue filters, lot’s of knobs , switches and other controllers, but sound wise, it has nothing to offer above AU and VST software based synths (that applies to Moog and other analogue hardware manufacturers as well).
    Sure, software will sound little bit more digital, but in reality all these nuances will be lost in the mix anyway šŸ˜‰
    Arturia has created some fantastic emulations of analogue classics and so did NI and countless others.
    Unless you’re creating the track with PolyBrute or Moog for that matter only, you’ll never notice the difference…

    1. As a die hard hardware nut I hate to admit that you’re right, but you’re right. The real difference hardware brings to the table these days for me is workflow and fun factor – I make different sounding stuff when working outside the box vs in, and overall writing is a more enjoyable experience.

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