Sonicware Liven Lo-Fi 12 Gets Free Version 2.0 Upgrade

Sonicware has released a free major update for its Liven Lofi-12 sampling groovebox.

The update adds new features for resampling, chopping and remixing.

Here’s what’s new in Liven Lofi-12 v2.0:

  • Chopping – Two new voice modes called ‘Drum’ and ‘Chop’ auto-slice samples easily with the newly developed Downbeat Divider*. Sliced sections of a sample are then spread across the keyboard making finger drumming possible.
  • Resampling – Patterns and tracks can be resampled by internally recording the audio output into a new sample. Real-time resampling of your keyboard playing is also possible.
  • Remix Effect – A beat repeater effect ‘R.MIX’, added to the master effect options, makes glitchy real-time performances possible.

The new features are designed to work well with each other, so you can create drum tracks with auto-slicing and recor performances that are not constrained by the grid of the internal step sequencer. You can also resample samples and tracks for infinite effects processing and even build your own beats and kits ready to be sliced up in the Drum and Chop modes.

Here’s a video intro to Liven Lofi-12 v2.0:

Pricing and Availability:

The Liven Lofi-12 is available now for $239 USD. Version 2.0 is available as a free update.

8 thoughts on “Sonicware Liven Lo-Fi 12 Gets Free Version 2.0 Upgrade

  1. Wow, is it the first time ever they updated their device? Someone there had a brain fart and instead of releasing another half baked synth, they made an update!

    1. The SmplTrek received several firmware updates before this one. In other words it’s not the first time. Fortunately you don’t have to update the firmware over MIDI for the SmplTrek as it would be the case for their Liven line. (Not sure about this one though)

      1. The XFM sounds really good.
        I had one of the first batch, unfortunately the cut-off and resonance share the same knob which was a deal breaker for me.
        I found it annoying I couldn’t “play” with the filter like most synths and sold it after 2 weeks.
        A shame because it has a really nice sounding engine.

  2. why insult someone who is building his own vision of machines? this bully commentsection should be switched off – there is too much unnecessary negatives vibes in it from anonymous people who don´t give a fuck on anything. create, don´t destroy!

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