Chord Machine Kickstarter Project Blows Past Funding Goals

Akuto Studio recently launched a Kickstarter project to fund production of the Chord Machine MIDI Controller, and it’s already blown past its funding goal.

Here’s what they have to say about it:

“The Chord Machine is an innovative instrument that offers endless possibilities for playing MIDI notes and combining and tweaking effects, all within a compact and durable device. Designed to accompany you from the start of your musical journey and beyond, the Chord Machine will keep to evolving with new features that you will continue to use and explore in your productions.

As a team, we are committed to push the boundaries of what is possible with the Chord Machine, and we have a LOT of exciting ideas that we are eager to develop. By getting the Chord Machine, you are not only gaining access to its current features but also future updates that will provide even more ways to play and explore your creativity.”

Pricing and Availability:

Chord Machine is available to project backers for about $412 USD.

Note: Crowdfunded projects can involve risk. See the project site for details.

24 thoughts on “Chord Machine Kickstarter Project Blows Past Funding Goals

  1. Quit designing products that make people aware of a particular brand, like Apple’s third-party products, and have originality. They look luxurious, but are actually very cheap.

    1. What’s original about the OP-1 though? It builds on existing designs just as this does. Originality is overrated, usability is what counts.

  2. While it is way more limited (pre-defined chords), the Roland J-6 is a great device, if you don’t want to spend that much money.

    1. yeah I actually love the j6 – if I just need some inspiration I’ll go through and scroll to a random genre and hammer a few chords out and record the midi into an ableton clip – then rearrange and build off of it.

  3. Its a keyboard that’s not shaped like a keyboard?
    Restricting notes to scales is not anything new

  4. Pfff.. if you want this there are 1.00000 maxforlive devices for free.
    Or just let ai generate music for you and just put your name on it.

  5. I wonder what the demand for this type of standalone midi device is in a world saturated with chord designer additions. Just thinking how this would fit in to my setup when my Launchpad pro MK3 has a phenomenal chord function (hopefully chord sequencing soon too) as do my MC-707 and Launchkey.

  6. Nicely designed product, but if you want immediate low-risk gratification there are a number of iOS apps that provide similar functionality, ChordIon and Musix Pro are my two favourite.

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