Images of the upcoming Behringer BQ-10 sequencer – a Euro format copy of the vintage Korg SQ-10 step sequencer – are showing up on social media.

The company hasn’t made an official announcement for the new step sequencer yet, but, in 2020, they previewed the PCB for the BQ-10, right.
The Behringer BQ-10 appears to be a close copy of the Korg SQ-10 step sequencer, but shrunk down to fit into Eurorack format, and with some compromises to make it cheap to manufacture.
Behringer has reduced the sequencer’s stages, from the original’s 3 rows of 12 stages to 3 rows of 8 stages. The company made a similar compromise on its ARP 1027 sequencer knockoff, reducing the stages from 10 to 8.
Other than that, the SQ-10 has controls that are very similar to the original, and the sequencer looks like it is designed to pair nicely with the company’s K-2 synth, which is based on Korg’s MS-20.
Official details on the Behringer SQ-10 are to be announced.
via Donald Baynes (FSK1138), MatrixSynth
Should have left it more like the original without the trigger/voltage processor. Also, all the jacks should all be on the bottom so you don’t have a patch cable crossing the knobs if for example you want to patch channel C’s output to a clock speed input.
A module based on the MS-50 would be good to see.
It’s interesting that making a bunch of analog sequencers that differ in style more than functionality makes financial sense for them.
This, their ARP sequencer knockoff and their Moog sequencer knockoff are all 3-row, 8-step sequencers that differ in looks more than anything.
It just shows that there’s more money to be made catering to people’s nostalgia than there is in creating creating a more capable modern analog sequencer.
they vary in output CV ranges, clock pulse width adjustment, trigger input patching, etc… and look better with matching 2600, 2500, system 55, or the growing Korgish ecosystem. plus you can buy more of them and extend the width or length of the sequence. and I can repair them myself for little cost.
*everyone*, loves nostalgia; if they say they don’t, they’re lying.
Extremely tempting company for my Neutron
Intriguing choice
wow thats a complex BBQ Grill
No quantise?
Take a shot every time you read ‘knockoff’ in a Behringer article
But only beringer customers can play that.
This is getting a little bit ridiculous. This embraces the crippling limitations of long-obsolete tech for some kind of fetishizing worship of an anachronistic aesthetic. Who buys this? I feel like I’m in the target-market, but frankly I’m insulted by that. Some products are marketed in a way you could call “aspirational”. Marketers exploit what we’d like to be. Fair game. But this is aspirational for a past that was never truly mine. Fantasy-nostalgia. Middle-aged fuckers like me who can now finally afford stuff like what the Human League used back in the day can make up for lost time! Yay! Make Synthesizers Great Again!
Or maybe I’ll just live in the present and use a max for live device that costs $9, runs circles around this thing, and has total recall.
Well, there are plenty people creative enough to work wonders with limitations and damn too many people that with infinite choice are not. Im sure plenty of the artist you consider inspirational got around using stuff like this and they made it work into timeless pieces. Not sure about the $9 infinite step sequencer crowd.
It’s a little weird to say you’re insulted by your own assumption. There are likely also young people who never got to play with analog sequencers who’ll get one and do creative things with it. Limitations can spur creativity.
I keep waiting for the next lawsuit for patent infringement. You could almost put a Korg label over the BS-10 logo. It needs more knobs, racing stripes and a dirty, old-style Metasonix mascot. I’m mostly in the box, so I only have to bitch about software. Ha.
Patents only last for 20 years, so don’t hold your breath
Tempting to match up my Korg MS-20 Mini with one of these when it becomes available.
that’s the ticket!
“The ELZ_1 play is described as a ‘personal project’ of the ELZ_1 designer, with a limited run:
If the ELZ_1 play develops into a Sonicware product, we’ll cover it at that time.
We generally focus our coverage on items that are of interest to a broad range of synthesists. We have a long history of metrics that inform our coverage decisions, which is reflected in our page views and the number of comments on Synthtopia articles.”
Umm, this is not a Behringer product. It’s a leak. The other article you link to is just a PCB prototype.
Maybe you should only cover it what it develops into a Behringer product. With a release date?
Or would that not be hypocritical enough?
Why would you think it’s hypocritical to cover something that tons of people are interested in?
Do you work for Sonicware or something?
If not, explain why you think the ELZ_1 play is something that everybody should more about than a new Behringer product. Behringer just shipped 50,000 orders of their Pro-800. What other company is going to do that?
Imma get one to put basslines on it ? Heck, I might even get around doing a mini case for bass only. Good stuff.
The ELZ was a limited run of 200 that sold out in a couple of days. It was all over Instagram and I’m sure other socials. What’s to report? If you’re interested you can just go to the Sonicware website.
i bought this Behringer BQ-10 on picture . its a proto type , out of factory . sometime the lights on but some time dont when plug the power . hope someone can Fix the problem and use it .im ready to sale . instagram : @Echo_reverb
i bought this Behringer BQ-10 on picture . its a proto type , out of factory . sometime the lights on but some time dont when plug the power . hope someone can Fix the problem and use it .im ready to sale . instagram : @Echo_reverb