Sequential Debuts Trigon-6 Desktop Model With MPE Support

Sequential today announced a desktop version of their Trigon-6 polyphonic synthesizer.

The desktop version is a compact and portable instrument that features the same sound engine of its keyboard sibling. It features three oscillators per voice, and a ladder filter that has been updated with a dedicated drive and feedback control, letting it go from “silky and smooth to bold and crunchy” with the twist of a knob.

“Desktop module designs continue to be a popular choice with our players,” said CEO David Gibbons. “We spent a little extra time on MIDI polyphonic expression capabilities as we finalized this one, in anticipation of people pairing it up with some of the awesome MPE-capable controllers on the market. We’re looking forward to hearing what people will do with it!”

The Trigon-6 desktop module offers a classic three-oscillator synth architecture with an enhanced ladder filter, which they say is inspired by some of the most iconic analog synths of all time.

The three oscillators provide a rich and flexible sound source, with familiar waveforms from triangle to more complex saws, and variable-width pulse. You can mix and match the oscillators to create intricate harmonics, detune them for chorusing effects, or sync oscillator 2 for “hard-edged growls”.

The ladder filter has a 2/4-pole switchable slope and adjustable resonance that can add a distinctive peak or even self-oscillate. And Drive and Feedback add even more range.

MPE Support

The Trigon-6 supports MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE), an extension of MIDI that allows compatible devices to control multiple parameters of individual notes within MPE-enabled synths.

This provides for more expressive instrumental performances, as each note can have its own pitch bend, filter cutoff, amplitude, and other modulations. This gives you new ways to play the classic 3-oscillator, ladder filter sound.

Trigon-6 Audio Demos:

Pricing and Availability:

The Trigon-6 desktop module is available for pre-order now, with a US MAP price of $2,499. Shipping worldwide in August. Sequential says that the Trigon-6 desktop will make its physical debut at Knobcon 2023, being held Sept 8-10, 2023 in the Chicago area.

45 thoughts on “Sequential Debuts Trigon-6 Desktop Model With MPE Support

  1. Diva, introduced in 2011, slays it. It was a cpu hog 12 years ago. Now you can run fifty of them.
    No one needs this, and it’s stupid to want it.

    1. For someone who slams on analogs like this, I’m somewhat surprised you check this website. I think there’s a place for both of these worlds. I own and enjoy Diva, and a Trigon-6 for different reasons.

      1. agreed. just because *I* don’t like VST’s, doesn’t mean someone else shouldn’t either. everyone picks the tools they like. i don’t have to agree with it, but it’s their right, perogative, whatever; they LIKE it. fine with that! :0)

        1. +1
          They are all just tools to make sounds. Create, sample, patch, program, twist, mangle, distort, tweak etc., it’s all just audio fun. Too much hate and anger in the world. Use, buy, GAS…whatever works for you.

    2. It is ignorant to think someone is stupid to want something you don’t want.

      I would like it, and I have no interest in Diva.

    3. I like software synths, but I am sad that many of my favorite plugins and synths no longer work on my current computing hardware and OS. Meanwhile my Sequential/DSI gear still sounds great, has lots of knobs, and keeps on working regardless of whatever Apple (or Microsoft, or Google) come up with.

    4. I sold off Diva because it doesn’t sound as good to me (!) as the best softsynths coming out now. It’s more flexible and nothing else is identical in nature, but it falls down vs. quality analog hardware. Sure, it can do some basic sounds well, and maybe you can’t tell them apart, but it doesn’t take much to exceed what Diva can do convincingly.

      It’s OK if you can’t hear a difference after using the Trigon 6 in person and then Diva. But that doesn’t mean others also cannot hear and get value from a real hardware synth.

  2. Trigon-6 has some nice burn when it’s pushed in the synth’s mixer section compared to the Prophet-6, as well as having the power of the 3rd oscillator. Owning both, this has been my observation. I like them both! Glad they have modules for those who want them.

  3. Ah, so the Prophet-6 desktop wasn’t a one-off good looking knobby design. The Trigon-6 here is on par with that one, compared to the OB-6 desktop, which looks messy and off-putting in comparison. Tom’s really bad at this, isn’t he? Same with the OB-X8, and many of his older stuff, outside the two-voice and SEMs…

    1. I guess it’s very subjective, to me the oberheim synths look much better than most SCI and this is the least attractive of them all.

  4. This one is made only for rich people … Normal people like most of us , use a MacBook Air and tons of vst … And don’t worry, our vst, make this sounds too 🙂 …

    1. I hear there’s a company that makes lots of cheap “knockoff” synths that sound pretty good… 😉

      I do think there’s a market for affordable desktop synths from Sequential, like the (sadly discontinued) Tetra. The Rev2 is great but you might as well spring for the $2K 16-voice module.

    2. I can afford a 2500$ synth and I’m not rich at all, Just need to have some commitment to save for it. You know, delayed gratifications? used to be admired thing not so long ago.
      I’m not into this one much but I don’t see any reason to settle for less than ideal when buying instruments. I don’t have a problem buying only one instrument in 2-4 years, it also helps mastering it.

  5. One feature of my Sequential/DSI synths that I really appreciate is the good MIDI implementation, including support for polyphonic aftertouch input.

  6. Interesting. A year ago, my vst-troll comment at the top would have received four or five times as many angry, defensive retorts. Steadily, inevitably the opinion that can be summarized as, “there’s no point in owning hardware synths” is becoming the dominant one.

    At the same time hardware synth sales have never been higher. People know there’s no sonic or utilitarian reason to prefer hardware synths, but they want them anyway. At least for now.

    1. You are aware that this website is mostly frequented by adults with jobs, families, and responsibilities, right? If nobody bites your low effort bait, it’s maybe because we are busy and don’t really care.

    2. It’s obviously an unintelligent position, whining about that your low-energy trolling is impotent after a year of recycling the same comment.

      “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”

      1. Fair enough. That’s three responses who are not impressed by the trolling itself, which is fine. I’m not being a troll in order to be liked. None of you said whether you disagree, though.

    3. Hardware synths sound so much better. There is no comparison. I only use that, and when I load up a cracked Arturia synth, from time to time, or other big softsynths contenders, I’m always finding the sound lifeless. It’s really not subtle. But then again, I have a 200k euros studio around me, filled with sound generators and mix & mastering tools. I spend 3,2K on gear per month. My monitor is probably worth your yearly salary. That’s how I can hear the difference. chin up buddy. save a bit of money, buy you good monitors, that the first thing to get ; that might change the way you hear things.

  7. A couple of newb questions: Is the classic moog sound too fat to be poly? I haven’t heard the B-Polymoog, but I do remember people saying the moog one’s were very thin.
    And now for the totally subjective: is this the rightful successor to the memorymoog? If anyone could deliver it, that would be Dave.

    Last point: the website isn’t called vstopia, but all is welcome.

    1. I don’t think there is such a thing as being “too fat to be poly”, I understand the theory but taking out the low end harmonics is relatively easy (HP or a little resonance) adding fat is more difficult…  but people have their own ideas about this subject. The poly-d is paraphonic (only one filter) so it’s not really a polyphonic synth. Look for the “Moog One sounds part2” of “Matt Johnson”, sounds very fat to my ears. I guess it’s more a case of people quick to judge it because of the challenging price.

    2. That’s a good question and one that I regularly get into heated discussions about. Every single component of a mono synth was designed and fine-tuned with a single voice in mind. Simply multiplying the number of oscillators and filters without adjusting the rest of the design accordingly can lead to unsatisfactory sonic results. Some polyphonic Minimoog plugins illustrate this quite well: While a single voice sounds immensely powerful and punchy, multiplied by three, it quickly turns into an unpleasant mush.

  8. JB, when it comes to finding the sound of classic Minimoogs used as a poly, I’m still favoring a very old VST32 from Gunnar Ekornaas. It’s still available for a modest amount, and you can download a demo. It’s called the Memorymoon. You can google it.
    I have a Moog Subseq 37 and some polyphonic Minimoog emulation VST’s (Arturia, Gforce, Moog App), and yet that old Memorymoon sounds the most authentic to me. But it is subjective: never had the pleasure to play a real Memorymoog.

    Upon checking Gunnar’s website forum, it seems he is busy renewing this MemoryMoon, He’s posted on a 64bit version progress on august 6 this year.

  9. I probably would have purchased one if it was released before I purchased the 3rd Wave. While I think the Trigon sounds quite good for what it is, it doesn’t do “analog” nearly as well as the 3rd Wave.

    1. The 3rd wave has an fantastic digital sound to it when it plays at being an analog. Reminds me more of some classic Roland DCOs.

      1. What. exactly, is a “digital sound”? Aren’t all “sounds”, by nature, analog? BTW, in my not so humble opinion, it sounds a lot closer to a Moog One with balls.

  10. You can readily get that classic Moog fatness in many forms now. I’ve owned three hardware Moogs and the software versions measure up. One thing no one seems to mention is that layering any two synths almost opens a black hole. A Trigon driving an Opsix would be a lot like using one to drive Chromaphone: huge.

    It would be rather dumb to buy a Trigon without being ready to put $3500 worth of time into it. You’d hardly need anything else analog for quite a while, TBH. Besides, for that kind of money, you could go for a 3rd Wave or a small stack of synths like Modal’s Argon-8. Therefore, trolls sprinkle rabbit pills on their cereal.

  11. I’m glad this exists; I’m not a fan of 4 octave keyboards, especially for live use. This allows folks access to what essentially is a modern Memorymoog in a compact package. This to me is the most comprehensive synth of the OB6/Prophet 6 line.

  12. Love the Sequential stuff just wish they made them a bit more affordable. They’re probably making enormous profits with these synths. 2800,- euro seems like easily 1000,- overpriced.

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