Gamechanger Audio Launches MotorSynth MK II Video Tutorial Series

Today Gamechanger Audio launched a comprehensive weekly video-tutorial series that sets out to explain the MOTORSynth MKII feature-set in greater detail, and with lots of musical examples.

This video series is produced and presented by Gamechanger Audio “special agent” Toms Lazdovskis whom Gamechanger describes as “a man who is has been directly involved in the MOTOR Synth’s design process, while simultaneously pursuing a bold career in the harsh and unforgiving Oil&Gas industry.” [Ed. note: Oil&Gas is a band; you can see them here.]

The first video in the series is a half-hour overview of the MotorSynth MK II, the instrument’s sound engine, design philosophy and feature-set.

New tutorials are scheduled to be released every week on Gamechanger Audio’s YouTube channel. You can learn more about the MotorSynth MK II on the Gamechanger Audio website.

7 thoughts on “Gamechanger Audio Launches MotorSynth MK II Video Tutorial Series

  1. does anyone use this for everything? or it is on/off holiday thing. I can’t imagine using it on every tune, while I have plenty of gear that is.

    for some reason I always think about my old green lawn boy gas lawn mower when this product come up.

  2. I like seeing people make new things so I like this. Is it worth $3300 USD? Not to me but I hope they find enough people to make some money and encourage more of the not-same-old ideas.

  3. There are a couple of things I really hope catch on from this device even though I’m not its target market – the clutch is quite a simple idea, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard of it on a synth before and would love to see it on more synths and performance controllers.

  4. This remains the most idiotic synth I have ever seen. Shows what you can accomplish when you come upon a huge number of drone motors and don’t have the talent to build a drone with them.

    1. Art – or artists for that matter – without a sense of whimsy or imagination are a complete waste of time and space. This synth looks both fun and interesting.

  5. This machine is pretty neat. When you play it, it definitely feels and behaves more like a physical instrument than other synths. The mechanical constraints on the voices give it a very nice sound and feel. I went from using it some of the time to nearly all of the time. The only real con in my experience is the motors themselves are quite loud. Overall its great.

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