Synplant 2 Lets You Create Synth Patches From Samples Using Artificial Intelligence

Sonic Charge has announced that – after a decade of development – Synplant 2 is now available.

Synplant 2 is a major update that introduces ‘Genopatch’ technology, which lets you create synth patches from samples. It also features a vastly improved synth engine, a new DNA editor, alternative ways to trigger branches, tempo synchronization, automatable genes, and more.

Here’s what’s new in Synplant 2:

  • Genopatch crafts synth patches from audio recordings, using AI to find optimal synth settings, based on your source sample. As the strands in the user interface sprout and grow, they generate patches that increasingly match the chosen audio.
  • Rewritten audio engine with new parameters (“genes”) and improved DSP algorithms for every part of the signal chain.
  • New DNA editor with a structured parameter layout and animating graphs of the various settings. You can automate and control all genes with MIDI CC.
  • New “bulb modes” give you alternative ways to trigger the different branches: velocities, different ranges over the keyboard, and a “layered” mode that triggers multiple branches simultaneously.
  • New performance features, such as support for mono patches, glide/portamento, and tempo sync that synchronize any rhythmic components of the sound to the host tempo.
  • Instead of growing all branches, the mod-wheel can easily be reassigned to control various standard destinations, such as filter cutoff, LFO amount, envelope time, and more.
  • Rudimentary MPE support with per-channel mod-wheel, pitch-bend, and pressure.
  • Extendible and moddable with Javascript support, skins, etc., just like Microtonic.

Pricing and Availability:

Synplant 2 is available now for Mac and Windows for $149. Eligible owners can upgrade for $50.

24 thoughts on “Synplant 2 Lets You Create Synth Patches From Samples Using Artificial Intelligence

  1. The Genopatch feature alone is worth the price of admission. V.2 is an amazingly well done upgrade over the original and the small development team at Sonic Charge is the best in the business!

    1. How does this work?

      Does Synpatch create a sound that uses that sample as a sound source, or does it synthesis a sound from scratch and try to make it sound like your sample?

      1. The latter.  It generates an approximation of the audio sample using subtractive synthesis. Some of the results are exceedingly close and some are completely wild. Great for sound design. 

    2. Amen. Great products. Did the update and am having an audio mangling sonic creation blast.
      Also a shout out to Echobode, which I use daily. 

  2. Is this really AI? It looks a lot like basic correlation and an optimiser, maybe a genetic algorithm or simulated annealing. Pretty simple stuff, I’m surprised this isn’t more widespread.

    1. From the manual:

      “Genopatch is a groundbreaking AI that crafts synth patches from audio recordings. It achieves this by making educated guesses about optimal synth settings, listening to the outcomes, and iteratively refining them to match the reference audio better.”

      Considering Magnus trained several neural nets over the course of years, I’d say, yes, it is AI.

  3. The community has been waiting so long for this update. Amazing new features in v2 that really optimizes Synplant’s power and finesse. Sonic Charge makes the most amazing and unique plugins and I use them in every session/project. If there are any newcomers tempted to join the “plantside” remember they have like 3 weeks free trial and I promise you endless creative enjoyment and inspiration.

  4. Instant buy ?
    I have everything that Sonic Charge ever released.
    Magnus (hopefully I didn’t misspell his name), was cofounder and main developer of Propellerheads and responsible in a good way for Rebirth 338 and Reason.
    Fast forward and Sonic Charge was born.
    Love it ? 

  5. Magnus was never a founder of propellerhead, that would be Marcus, Pelle, and Ernst. Marcus was their lead software developer and Pelle is their lead DSP developer.

    Magnus did develop Malström for them though. Synplant 2 is great none the less. 🙂

  6. Nord came out with a Patch Mutator for their G2 Modular well over 10 years ago.  On the surface Geopatch looks and behaves strikingly similar.  It would be good for Synplant to describe the differences between these two approaches, and at least acknowledge Nord if the Mutator was a model or inspiration for Geopatch.  They even have the same wiggly evolutionary displays.

    1. That’s interesting.  It reminds me more of the Genetics feature that Synapse Audio added to Dune 3.5.

      One key difference between what Nord developed and Genopatch is that Genopatch uses audio samples, whereas Patch Mutator does not.

  7. This has always seemed a bit too “weird” for me, “weird” being a relative term with synths! I’m changing my view with v.2. I’m not wild for patches that squirm around via 4 LFOs too much, but this seems like an excellent way to come up with superior poly synth sounds. I can sample the better ones and have a very playable snapshot. Synplant clearly has an experimental approach, but that added benefit is drawing me in. It has its own sweet, natural voice.

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