Roland & UMG Partner On Principles For The Use Of Artificial Intelligence in Music

Roland Corporation and Universal Music Group (UMG) have announced a strategic relationship to “help drive clarity of direction and intention” to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in music creation.

The two have published a manifesto of sorts, Principles for Music Creation with AI, relating to the responsible use of AI in music creation, and say that they will advocate their adoption across the music industry and creative community.

“The Principles for Music Creation with AI establish a guideline for the responsible use of Artificial Intelligence in music,” they say. “By adopting these principles, companies and organizations commit to protecting the vital contributions of human creativity and to the responsible development and application of artificial intelligence for music creation.”

Principles for Music Creation with AI:

The companies have outlined 7 principals for

  1. We believe music is central to humanity. Enjoying and creating music is integral to our health, well-being, and happiness. Music provides a human connection to each other and the world around us and is deeply personal.
  2. We believe humanity and music are inseparable, and music with true meaning cannot exist without the direct creative contributions of people.
  3. From acoustic to electronic instruments, we believe that technology has long supported human artistic expression, and applied sustainably, AI will amplify human creativity.
  4. We believe that human-created works must be respected and protected, and they uniquely merit copyright protections. The use of copyrighted works – and use of the music artists’ name/image/likeness/voice by others – must be authorized in advance of the use and music artists should be given recognition for their contribution.
  5. We believe transparency is essential to responsible and trustworthy use of AI. In order to establish and maintain trust across all stakeholders, from fans to artists, AI-powered creative platforms and policies must prioritize record keeping and disclosure while shining a light on those who create.
  6. We believe the perspectives of music artists, songwriters, and other creators must be sought after and respected as AI-powered creative experiences are imagined, strategized, planned, and implemented.
  7. We are proud to help bring music to life. Together, through the musical instruments we produce, the artists and songwriters we represent, and the music education programs we support, we inspire and enable creativity.

Roland and UMG say that they hope to spur the involvement of additional music organizations and stakeholders in support of these principles to help create an ethical framework for musical creativity in the age of AI.

The companies have also established a joint research and development hub, a collaborative research project focused on developing methods for confirming the origin and ownership of music, and the integration of Roland products and services in select Universal-owned music production facilities around the world.

3 thoughts on “Roland & UMG Partner On Principles For The Use Of Artificial Intelligence in Music

  1. Well I’m sure anyone with morals agrees with most of the above.

    But it’s not the people with morals we’re all worried about, is it?

    1. The value in regulations and guidelines like these is so that it’s easier to identify and act on situations that go against them. Stuff like disputing copyright claims, revoking access to an AI service, allowing fair use/access (point 3) etc.

      This is about empowering and enabling courses of action, so we have less enabling & encouraging worries.

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