Solina Movement 4 – A Live Space Music Improvisation

Ambient space music artist Craig Padilla shared this live performance, Solina Movement 4, featuring the sounds of a classic ARP SE-IV Electronic Music Synthesizer.

The SE-IV is an ARP-branded version of the classic ’70s Solina String Ensemble.

This performance is part of Padilla’s 2024 space music album Solina. The album was improvised live, using the ARP and Source Audio Lunar and Collider effects pedals, with an Elogoxa ElotTronix XL delay / echo plug-in:

Here’s what Padilla shared about the video:

“The improvised performance was captured live on three cameras, performed on an ARP SE-IV Electronic Music Synthesizer using COLLIDER and LUNAR effects pedals by Source Audio which run through a long decaying looper plug-in called ElotTronix XL.

Everything you see and hear is performed live in the moment without any overdubs.”

Since the Padilla’s album uses the ARP as its sole sound source, it’s an excellent showcase for the synthesizer and its sound.

Solina is available via Bandcamp. You can preview the album below:

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