Livid Guitar Wing MIDI Controller: Now With Bluetooth LE Support

Livid Instruments has announced that their Guitar Wing MIDI controller now supports the Bluetooth LE MIDI standard for Yosemite OS X and iOS 8. The Guitar Wing works as a bridge between guitars and control of digital effects, DAWs, and digital instruments. With native Bluetooth LE MIDI connections, the wireless device shows up in the… Read More Livid Guitar Wing MIDI Controller: Now With Bluetooth LE Support

Free App Brings MIDI Over Bluetooth LE To iOS Music Apps

Developer Matthias Frick let us know about MIDI LE, a free app for iOS 8 that’s designed to bring low-latency MIDI over Bluetooth LE to CoreMIDI compatible iOS-Synths and applications. The advantage of MIDI over Bluetooth LE is that you can connect compatible devices wirelessly, without the need for a Camera Connection Kit and other gear. MIDI LE routes the virtual… Read More Free App Brings MIDI Over Bluetooth LE To iOS Music Apps