Technesexual – Erotic Avant Garde Music Meets Second Life

Sorry synth fans, but this Saturday Synth Porn entry is a little less synthy than usual and a little more porn-y. The image above is from a performance of Technosexual, from Micha Cardenas and Elle Mehrmand’s Mixed Relations. Mixed Relations consists of a series of performances and workshops that explore the relations between bodies and… Read More Technesexual – Erotic Avant Garde Music Meets Second Life

NSFW: Controversial Avant Garde Electronic Music: Blow Job 4 This is a new version of Wojciech Kosma’s Blow Job, which explores the audio feedback effects of fellatio on a microphone. From a performance at Image Music Text Gallery in London. Is this art, music or just an attempt to scandalize people that kind of liked the heterosexual Blow Job with a gay version? It certainly pushes… Read More NSFW: Controversial Avant Garde Electronic Music: Blow Job 4

Dr. Earth Launches Plan To Use Sex & Hedonism, And Some Urine Power, To Save The World

Dr. Earth has launched a plan to use hedonism, sex and dance music to save the world. To forward this goal, Dr. Earth’s first step has been to launch a sustainable clubbing initiative: Working on the basis that a club should be self sufficient and not a drain on the environment, Club4Climate has come up… Read More Dr. Earth Launches Plan To Use Sex & Hedonism, And Some Urine Power, To Save The World