Logic Isn’t Dead – Despite The Rumors

Logic Pro XIt appears that the reports of the death of Logic may have been exaggerated.

Last week, the site Pro Tools Expert kicked off the Logic Pro death watch with a blog post that said that “Apple’s Pro Audio application team is virtually gone.”

According to a statement from Apple, though, the Logic isn’t dead, despite the rumors.

Apple’s Director Of Music Marketing Xander Soren responded to the rumors:

As the lead for our music creation apps, I always want to hear what our users are thinking. I want to assure you the team is still in place and hard at work on the next version of Logic Pro.


There’s no official word on when to expect Logic Pro X or what it may promise. But there are always rumors…..

44 thoughts on “Logic Isn’t Dead – Despite The Rumors

    1. I know a guy who uses an Atari ST, hardware synths and a 4 track to make music. He’s done it that way for years and he’s not likely to change. Ditto for a studio I’ve worked in not upgrading their Pro Tools rig from 6.9. If it works for you then why change?

  1. it may not be dead, but its clearly no longer a priority for them at all. And if they do to Logic X what they did to Final Cut X, you can bet that the user base will flee en masse. Then you’ve got the other developments… news of gloom and doom coming out of Avid… digital performer going over to Windows… its not a particularly happy time for audio apps on OSX…

    1. Final Cut Pro X users love it – they gave the latest version 4 1/2 stars out of 5 in the App Store:


      Apple botched the rollout of Final Cut, though, which led to a lot of vocal detractors. At this point, though, detractors are clearly a minority of users.

      So, bringing up Final Cut seems to be the same sort of trolling and rumor-mongering as the original source of the Logic rumor.

      1. I make my living as an editor and i can tell you that final cut x is a nightmare for professionals. i don’t know any company that switched from final cut 7 to final cut x. they all switch to avid or premiere. the reason for that is that final cut x has become a tool for semi-pros or beginners. this is where these five star ratings come from.

        1. You need to redefine what you think a “professional” is these days. Everyone edits video now. It’s not limited to just the handful with expensive gear. So why not make a tool that is easy to use and can still deliver top quality output? It’s the best business decision, and it empowers more people. Those are good things. And to be honest, if you can’t get professional results with FCPX, its your failing, not the tool.

          1. Dude, sure you can get professional results with FCPX. But why call it “pro” if it aims at home users and many “pro” features are missing? You name it: “it’s the best business decision”

              1. – edit to tape
                – edl support
                – export omf
                etc. etc. etc.

                there are workarounds for everything, some features came back with the update or you need third party plug-ins. it’s still a PITA!

            1. Ok, again, what is “pro”? Do you think you are the only person who makes money by editing video? EVERYONE uses video now. Everyone, not just the guys you think of as the old-school video editors. !!! EVERYONE !!! Think about that. Your business may be selling soap or tea or tires or dance lessons or whatever, but you use video to do it. You may educate using the web. You may document business processes. You may use video in research or civic engineering. You may use video to improve surgical processes in hospitals. Those people don’t want to focus on the editing of video. They want to get the video part done and move on to what matters to them. That’s “professional” any way you look at it. Video editing isn’t just for TV and movies anymore. It’s for EVERYONE.

    2. Seems like a great time to be a user of OS X audio apps to me.

      Apple’s been coming out with kick ass computers for years now, Logic Pro is the best DAW value you can get, and just about every music app developer now gives first priority to the Mac platform (Cakewalk’s coming along). And if you’re into mobile music, it’s all happening on iOS, which happens to work great with Macs.

      When do you think Windows will come out with a DAW for the Surface that will integrate smoothly with a DAW for Windows 8? The obvious answer is ‘when hell freezes over.’

    3. MOTU’s DP8 ADDING windows support (not ‘going over to’) is not a death nell. It’s a good program, and now it is going to be available on a different OS/platform. But yea, spreading their already iffy support with another platform is a concern. But if they can sell lots of copies and keep the program going, I’ll be happy.

    4. It is a very happy time for audio apps on OSX! You Mac users now have Reaper on your platform that is a good reason for celebration.

  2. I think the reason everyone jumped to the conclusion that Logic was about to be killed off is that there’s a lot of negative feelings towards Apple at the moment, with their move to seemingly shift focus towards gadgets (as some people see them). Logic is a great piece of software with a large user base, and one of the largest tech companies in the world is not about to kill it off.

    I remember when everyone was saying the Mac Pro was about to die, and then Tim Cook released a statement saying they were about to do no such thing. Take bad news rumours with a pinch of salt.

    1. “there’s a lot of negative feelings towards Apple at the moment,”

      I agree with the rest of your comment, but that part seems a little bogus. Apple’s got more customers and than ever and just about every one of their products are selling like hotcakes.

      There have always been rabid Apple-haters and they will latch on to any rumor that they can.

      1. Even among the apple users I come across on a daily basis (I’m at university studying audio engineering – there’s a lot of us) are complaining about the shift towards retina etc, because it’s bad for the end user not being able to upgrade. Plus just look how many people hate Lion and Mountain Lion because of the iOS style changes.

        1. I guess we haven’t been talkimg to the same people.

          Lion works great for me and I haven’t heard anybody bitch about it the way people have been complaining about Win 8.

          On the Retina displays – that seems like a Pro option to me. You can still get plenty of Macs without it. The Retina displays look beautiful, but I dont need the top of the line Mac for what I do.

          What’s Retina displays have to do with upgrading? Sounds like some of those college kids don’t know what the hell their talking about.

          1. Or maybe you don’t know what you’re talking about? The macs with retina displays have soldered RAM and a propitiatory SSD that’s glued in place, so they are near impossible to upgrade once you buy it. That’s a backwards move to me. There were also issues in the beginning with Lion and Pro Tools (the DAW we use the most at uni), and with no way to downgrade macs that came pre-installed with it a lot of us were left without a key piece of software.

            1. > propitiatory SSD that’s glued in place

              The SSD in the Retina MacBook Pro is neither propitiatory (sic) or glued in place. You can buy SSD modules for the Retina MacBook Pro from other vendors.

              1. The SSD is a non-standard form factor, but you’re right, it’s not glued in place. The battery on the other hand is (I was getting those two mixed up). My point is, Apple products are becoming less upgradeable, and that’s causing a few grumbles

            2. >There were also issues in the beginning with Lion and Pro Tools

              To be fair, that’s a Pro Tools problem, not an Apple problem. The biggest software vendors are always the ones with the least ability or willingness to adapt to OS changes, even though they have seed builds months in advance. They simply choose to force their customers to pay for an upgrade instead of give out free fixes. Avid, Adobe and Autodesk have used this as standard practice for years. Even Microsoft used to do it from both directions, selling you an OS upgrade that then forced you to also upgrade Office.

  3. I’ve already moves fairly heavily away from Logic.. I still have it and use fir a few things but only when I have little other choose. The app hasn’t been updated , if you ignore quick OS or bug fix patches, in ages (since about 2009) and although I still love it I am now a Presonus Studio One convert!! Studio One ROCKS!!!
    And I agree with Hank. The Final Cut X experience has Logic users running scared.

    Apple and Logic are gonna have to work VERY hard to regain confidence and also leap out at people as the future!!

    I don’t think Apple has it in them.. They just don’t love the product enough!!

    1. For all I care Logic Pro could very well stay at version 9 with a few maintenance and compatibility updates every few once (or when a new Mac OS version comes out). Quite frankly, I’d prefer that to the regular updates that Logic has seen in the past. Logic to me is not an “app” that updates itself every few days so that I can enjoy the latest bugs and oddities introduced by its prolific developer. I like well-rounded, dependable, thoroughly tested software.

    1. Oh crap, facebook and soundcloud support is sure to get all those old baby boomers with the pot belly and grey ponytail bitching about it being a “toy” lmao. oh well, those guys will die off eventually, “Death is very likely the single best invention of Life.” as some guy once said…

  4. Universal Audio also removed Logic from the list of apps they test their plugins with or “officially support”… that might serve as a clue as well…

  5. Holy sh*t! SoundToys, Korg Legacy and Sylenth just went 64-bit! And the ghost of Steve Jobs is releasing a modular hybrid program that combines ProTools, Ableton & Logic! And as a bonus the first 1,000 customers get free Chris Lorg Alge mixes for life!!!!!! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Apple went too far letting such rumors gain body. This year there were some relevant launches from competition and some others already announced, such as Live 9. Guess what? Apple lost share of consumers pocket as many people already bought new platforms expecting Logic to phase out. Musicians, home producers usually don’t have deep pockets to afford wasting money in DAWs, once moved to new platforms we normally stay there until it is payed back. And boy, there are really good stuff in the new launches. Shame to Apple! By the way, there is something really going wrong inside this company. They were well regarded for paying attention to details that really matters to consumers and also for being very smart re sales strategy. Recently they are failing heavily in both fronts. They still are lucky they are a step or two ahead of competition, but they are coming, faster. Look at DAWs, for instance, just to stay in this theme.

  7. I’m too busy composing and tweedling a meaty Sculpture patch to add much to this twaddle. Logic has proven to be not only well-endowed, but near-seamless to use. I slogged through years of fussy hardware sequencers and a couple of ultimately crap DAWs to get here. Yeah, I have to sweat to get good results, don’t you? Would you want a DAW that was so easy to use that it didn’t challenge you? This one doesn’t give me the raspberry; it says “Look over here, I have a fix for that.” And it does. I’m so jazzed, if Logic had its own logo like Moog does, I’d have it tattooed on me. Its great to have something so positive over which to go “nuts,” as opposed to the world’s general monkey antics.

    1. Here here, Fungo, I’ll leave the endless debating to stoodents, Linux brownshirts and the like. I’m too busy making music with one of my very competent DAWS (guess which one? THAT piece of shit? Guess again?) to give “hot debates” like this much of my time. I’ll let those more interested in software than making actual art lead the way- go get ’em boys, the approximately 12 billion threads on these subjects are waiting!!

    2. I got an Atari-Tattoo. Guess where? :))
      Interesting to see so many dislikes on critical views.
      Is that censorship or pluralism?

    3. I’m definitely in agreement Fungo. I use Live and Reaper a bit too but I’ve always found Logic to be umm.. logical and intuitive (IMO) and after quite a few years invested in it I find myself always defaulting to it for serious production, sketching, patch development etc. As several other people have said there is no actual necessity to upgrade if 10 turns out to be a poor product but given the professional user base I find this unlikely.
      I’m still happily using OSX 10.6.8 and see no pressing reason to update to something that offers nothing persuasively tempting for the studio computer and more likely potential issues.
      Anyway, to avoid adding yet more meat to this blatant troll on the part of the “pro tools expert”, although I can see why you would need such tactics to sway people in the direction of Pro Tools, I say let’s wait and see what Logic Pro X brings. If you like what it offers then great, upgrade. If you don’t then don’t.
      Vince Clarke used his BBC Micro for sequencing for a long time after ‘better’ options were available and as someone else stated Atari STs and 4-track cassetes are still working just fine for some people.
      The rampant need to upgrade to the newestbestestshiniest new thing is something being driven by the companies selling, not the consumer. Slightly sad that so many are so easily fooled into parting with their hard-earned dollar/pound/yen/Maltese Yankle bead.

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