Korg ARP Odyssey FSQ Bundles Full-Size Synth With Matching Sequencer

Ahead of the 2018 NAMM Show, Korg has announced that ARP Odyssey FSQ – a ‘limited-edition bundle’ that includes a full-size ARP Odyssey and a KORG SQ-1.

Korg originally reintroduced the full-size Odyssey in 2017, with production handled in the USA. The FSQ editions will be assembled in Japan, using parts that they say are now ‘dead stock’. With the exception of the location of assembly, the specs are identical.

Rev1, Rev2, and Rev3 variants will be available in small quantities. All three generation color variants contain all three original analog filter circuit revisions.

The KORG SQ-1 step sequencer is also included, with ARP orange silk-screening on a black panel. Two mini-patch cables are also included.

Pricing and Availability

See the Korg site for more info.

39 thoughts on “Korg ARP Odyssey FSQ Bundles Full-Size Synth With Matching Sequencer

      1. Because ARP-2600 is not really considered a musical instrument compared to Odyssey.

        If you are unsure about further details, please ask Herbie Hancock.

        1. A blue one, a red one, a chrome one… Korg is taking a page from the Apple playbook here, but with less style. I figure they do this to get new promotion for older products, like bumping an old forum thread.

  1. That’s kinda sorta crazy they are printing up Korg SQ-1s with the Korg trademark removed, the ARP trademark added, and the colors ARPified. But only the orange scheme. Instead sequencer should match the colors of whatever color scheme you pick for your Odyssey.

    Still don’t see why it’s cool for Korg to re-trademark the abandoned ARP trademarks and clone ARP but not OK for Behringer to re-trademark the abandoned Oberheim trademarks and clone Oberheims. It’s the same thing. And to those about to start typing “but they paid ARP”, no they didn’t. They paid a former employee as a consultant, but he absolutely 100% did not own any of the ARP intellectual property whatsoever, had no right to sell it, didn’t sell it, and Korg didn’t buy it. So it’s the same as with Behringer.

    Back to sequencers, Korg should have cloned the ARP 1601 Sequencer instead. It’s a great design.

    What’s the specifics on the “dead stock”? This seems to mean the Odyssey design is using some parts that are no longer available and therefore there model is about to go out of production?

    1. They would have had to pay to license the arp name, trademark, look of the synth. There’s nothing inherently wrong with Behringer cloning synths, but it hasn’t been licenced like the arp has. Behringer has always made cheap knock offs of existing designs, the debate is whether or not their quality has improved over the years.

      1. Korg has NOT LICENSED ARP technology. I will pay you $20,000 if you can provide proof that Korg is licensing ARP technology from the owner of the technology. If you accept the challenge, you have 7 days to find proof and if you can’t you agree to pay me $20,000. DO YOU ACCEPT THE WAGER or are you going to keep spouting absolute proven lies like your claim that Korg is licensing ARP technology from its owners.

        1. Now in 2015, ARP is reborn. Korg, a Japanese synthesizer manufacturer, welcomes ARP Co- founder David Friend as an advisor in the resurrection of a classic ARP synthesizer–the ARP Odyssey.

          lil more then just an ex-employee
          they pay him, and aslong as they follow his wishes, can use the logos abd designs…. sorta like liscencing works…

        2. That is ridiculous and not what I said.
          You don’t have to license technology whose patents have expired. The name, trademark, and look of the instrument they HAD to license.

          1. So fyi, arpsynth.com is copyrighted to korg, so it appears they own the branding. And the “former employee” who consulted was the co-founder of arp. So what exactly is your beef?

        3. “I came up with the idea for the Odyssey because we wanted a stage instrument that had no patch cords and because patch cords were really hard to use on stage. So, I came up with the layout for the panel. I actually remember drawing it on a piece of paper and it came out that the only things we really changed later were things like the pitch-bending touchpads and things of that sort. But, we used a lot of the same circuitry that we had developed for the ARP 2600 and the ARP 2500.”
          -David Friend

          lol, “former employee.”

          Everything I have read lists David Friend as “co-founder” of ARP. He even says his wife designed the original logo.

          $20,000 wager lol. Geezus maybe take it down a notch.

    2. To your first point, I agree; this seems like a missed opportunity to bring back a real ARP 1601 (or 1623) Sequencer. I don’t see the people willing to pay double for the Full Size Odyssey being impressed with a dinky rebadged Korg.

    3. Plenty of people were upset about Korg using the ARP name.

      If this was the first time Behringer ripped off a product, it may be a different story.

              1. Gibson was the previous owner, but they let the trademarks lapse. They bought the Oberheim assets in the court administered bankruptcy sale. The trademarks Oberheim, the little graphical logo design mark, and even OB-Xa are now all legally owned by Behringer (Music Group). These facts are well known. Behringer is the legal owner of the Oberheim trademarks, just as Korg is the legal owner of the ARP trademarks. Neither bought them from anyone. The previous registrants didn’t want them any more and they were free for the registration.

  2. “Dead stock” are years / decades old components and materials still in storage.
    In this case – through-hole analog circuit components that Korg would prefer to be put to good use. In these modern times most circuit design uses teeny-tiny surface-mount components.

        1. thats what i understood too Nebula. Same circuit diagram, but surface mount. So i dont know about this comment of “dead stock” referring to through-hole components by Mick or what he is trying to say really.

    1. > “Dead stock” are years / decades old components and materials still in storage.

      No, that is “old new stock”. Old new stock is a different thing.

      Which parts can’t Korg find replacements for?

      I doubt there are any. The Korg Odyssey never used the same exact original parts as the ARP Odyssey, but it used equivalent ones. Which of these are actually out of production?

      1. Serious question: if “dead” and “old new” (or “new old”) stock are different things, what does Korg mean by “dead”?

        1. Yeah that’s what I’m asking since they are pulling this term out of their *foof*.

          Presumably it means parts that can not be sourced at all anymore. I’m wondering which ones in particular. I bet I could fix this for them.

          1. Dead Stock

            A term used to describe merchandise that was never sold to or used by consumers before being removed from sale.

            Old new stock? Now that is a term pulled out from…

    1. Admin: Personal attack deleted.

      Keep comments on topic and constructive.

      Also – you’re using multiple user names to comment with, which will result in your comments being flagged as spam.

  3. The USA-assembled Odyssey FS was $1599. I found this bundle available for pre-order on Kraft Music for $1699. So … no big savings or anything.

    I will say I’m really pleased with my Odyssey FS whiteface. Cosmetically it’s gorgeous, and the sliders have a real premium, expensive feel.

    If I was a betting man I’d say the price of this “FSQ” bundle will drop significantly by this time next year.

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