Here’s video confirmation of the JazzMutant Lemur app running on an Apple iPad.
Unfortunately, the video is in Tease-o-rama Vision, which is one step below hand-held Bourne-o-vision jerkycam.
No official information on the Lemur iPad app has been announced.
Technical details: Lemur app on iPad controlling Konkreet Lab’s custom MeeBlip hardware synth via iConnectMIDI interface for iOS.
yes please
I hate to have to be the guy that says it, but ANDROID VERSION, PLEASE!
Actually, I had nothing to do with that video – I was (pleasantly) surprised to see the MeeBlip make a cameo. (Seriously; I’m not being coy or something – they sent it to me yesterday!) The account says “cdr” not “cdm.” 😉
Peter – I apologize for making that mistake – I must have read that as ‘CDM’ and thought it was part of your ever expanding online universe.
I updated the post and will try to see the Optometrist before the end of the year.