TC-11 Multi-Touch Synthesizer Updated

Bit Shape has released an update to TC-11 Multi-Touch Synthesizer, its powerful and visually stunning multi-touch synthesizer for the iPad.

TC-11 lets you choose from 96 included presets, or build your own using touch controls, device motion, and on-board modules.

Here’s what’s new in TC-11 1.5:

New Features:

  • 32 new presets
  • option to run audio while the app is in the background
  • patch preview window in the Load / Save view


  • AM depth starting volume (patch option)
  • sequencers can lock steps between themselves
  • sequencers playback buttons

Bug Fixes:

  • fixed audio drop out when switching apps
  • fixed module connection errors
  • multiple ahdsr bugs fixed
  • multiple lfo bugs fixed
  • multiple sequencer bugs fixed
  • fixed custom grids sometimes not appearing
  • fixed Controllers Used table errors
  • touch preview activity prevents rotation
  • fixed Patch Gain parameter controller display bug
  • fixed gyroscope pitch clipping


  • English now available as option for non-English localizations

TC-11 is $29.99 in the App Store.

15 thoughts on “TC-11 Multi-Touch Synthesizer Updated

    1. I do agree, though it is worth mentioning that Animoog has been at that price. I guess it really depends on what level of depth, complexity, quality, versatility might be available.

    2. Not imo. If this was the only synth app I ever bought, I’d be happy. There’s so much to work with and it employs a level of interactivity that I haven’t seen challenged yet.

  1. Even outside of the unique touchscreen interface, it is one of the most robust synths available on iOS.
    I wouldn’t have minded if it was cheaper, but people are spoiled by cheap apps….

  2. The only feature this app needs yet is midi.
    Input, output, cc, learn, …something.
    I know the selling point of this one is the interface,
    but the synth itself is so powerful it would be a dream to integrate into a larger setup.

    I’m happy with the price.
    Maybe there was a time something this deep cost 50x that.
    We’re all pretty lucky to live in times like today-!

  3. Even if tc11 were £100 it’s stil worth it.

    Consider what it can do, not yet seen anything quite like it. People need to stop thinking that apps should be cheap. If they are toys like ‘figure’ or similar then yes £1 or so is good

    But if it’s a professional tool with DEEP EDITING then a higher price is justified.

    I mean, for a full multitouch synth that has deep editing, is orgasmic to look at and has brilliant presets $30 is very very cheap

    What is the problem? Too much of a dent out of your pocket money?

    This is the real world, go look at hardware or indeed desktop software and compare

    $30 is pennies for this

    1. Here Here!! People have to wake up and realize that the “everything in the app store is free or .99” honeymoon days are over, and if you want deep and powerful software then you’re going to have to pay accordingly. Because otherwise, if people can’t make money selling iOS software, then they’re not going to ever start developing it in the first place! It’s simple maths

  4. As has been pointed out , it’s extremely deep and tweakable
    The ui can be made more smooth and easy , as of now it’s the standard windows and panels only
    I would like a preset exchange with a user community
    It takes too much time to get some decent sounds since you have to keep going back a lot and tweaking .. Presets are a good way to get started and while the inbuilt presets are great there needs a way to add or xchange with other users

    I would also love if we could paste sound samples and include them as a sound source along with the oscar
    That would open a new world altogether
    Think samplewiz built into this app

  5. @pat:
    While you’re tweaking you don’t ‘have to keep going back’ too far: on the sub-page, do you see that little tab on the right of the page? Pull it out, it’s a miniature of the main performance window, where you can tap and try as you edit-!

    ( hey mr. dev, I still want my MIDI tho…-! )

  6. I know $30 is not much but if it was $15 a lot more people would buy it. The impulse buy price for iPad is significantly less than other operating systems… just the nature of the app store. At $4.99 anybody even casually into electronic music with an iPad would buy it. That being said I will of course get it. It is a great piece of software – perfect for audio idents.

  7. The “price vs volume” argument is boring because volume always wins. It’s the truth. People don’t buy quality, they buy convenient and affordable. And because our brains need a second object with a price before we can perceive “relative quality”, higher priced apps in the app store will always sell a lot less because no matter how small the actual dollar amount is, people only see “20 x price” or “30 x price”, not the granular “$30”. This is fascinating human psychology stuff, if you care to read up on it.

    That being said, a free demo would go a long way towards helping products that are trying to use higher pricing. This is another well established electronic product sales “must have”. $30 is too much for most people to spend on a test drive.

    And THAT being said.. 🙂 I’m still not convinced by the interface. It looks cool at a glance, but completely fails to communicate what each of it’s elements actually do in relation to the function of the application. That is UI 101. I am willing to believe that maybe the UI makes sense when you use it rather than just look at it, and then become a champion of the product, but without trying it I have to believe that it’s more “wow factor” than innovative function.

    1. TC-11 attempts to develop a new idiom for how to interact with a music app, which is why it may initially appear to “fail to communicate what each of it’s [sic] elements actually do.” No, there are no virtual knobs or sliders–and no virtual keyboard for that matter. That isn’t a UI failure–it’s just a new UI, period. If, after reading the manual and working with the synth for a while, the visual information on screen still makes no sense to you or it is too difficult to figure out, then I think there is a legitimate case to say the UI is a failure. I’ve been using it for a few weeks and find the visual feedback very helpful.

      Regarding pricing, I have no complaints. While it would be great if it cost less, it’s a very deep synth that allows for a kind of interactivity that is not possible with a computer and MIDI keyboard/controller setup.

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