8 thoughts on “The Roland Juno-6 Synthesizer

  1. That was one of the best synth demos I’ve seen in a long time – kudos.
    The Juno 6 was also my first ever experience of a synthesizer, I was smitten!

  2. i wanted to sort of look away when i heard this, totally awful cheesy demo of lets face it a verty ordinary cheesy synth. If it wasn’t for nostalgia all these would have been put down a while ago, not as apalling as the jpx3 or whatever , but really? Generic, basic, dull sounding brassy 80’s synth sounds , yeah like RAD man……. facepalm….. no wonder people jumped on sexy digital synths in the 80’s….lets all just move on…….

    CS80, yes mind blowing….Minimoog…..awesome……prophet 5….creative……. but please lets stop eulogising about these very ordinary synths….thats all i’m saying….

    1. I have to disagree, the Juno sounds “ordinary” perhaps because it was so ubiquitous in that decade you mention. But it’s not “ordinary” at all. I has a flavor all it’s own, like most synths, even the ones you mention. You can dislike the flavor of the Juno for aesthetic reasons, but that does nothing to mar it’s well deserved reputation as one of the greatest synths ever made.

      My greatest fear in going into Mr. Doty’s latest video series is that it’s going to raise the price of Juno’s even higher.

    2. Uhhh, yeah. Listen: Before you decry this video as some sort of glorification… watch it. I just demonstrate what it does. I think the Junos are glorified beyond their capability, too. However, some people enjoy them and have good use for them. To mock them, and me, because you can think of better synths is really embarrassing to me. Just because there are better, more powerful, or etc. synths doesn’t make a demo “embarrassing.”

      If you’re so laudatory about the synths you listed, perhaps you should watch some of my other videos… or, make some of your own to effectively demonstrate why those synths are so much better in your eyes.

      There, look what you’ve gone and done… made me defend the Juno-6. FOR SHAME.

      As for cheesy: :::shrugs:::

  3. Thanks for the video- this is a nice tour of the basic capabilities of the Juno 6. And yes, it is pure 80s cheese, but to me that’s a beautiful thing. Unfortunately I think this video misses some of the best of what this keyboard can do (I own one) which is hold sustained notes/chords (via “hold” button) allowing both hands to manipulate the sounds in real time. Using the arpeggiator you can really do some crazy stuff. and you don’t have to be a synth genius to do it. Easy learning curve. I love this synth, and got mine (banged up but fully functional) last year for $400.

  4. These videos Marc has done are excellent! The Juno-6 was my very first synth. I kept it mint for 22 years before finally selling it. Six years later I can’t take it anymore, Lol, and have bought another one. Marc’s videos actually taught me about functionality in the Juno-6 I had no idea was there all those years…and I even read the manual! (Albeit, I was fifteen at the time, and this was my first foray into synthesis.) Thanks to Marc for making clear, fun videos to show this thing off. Regardless of whether you like or hate the Juno’s, Marc’s video gives a great, unbiased demonstration of this product. Bravo!

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