Akai has release iMPC for iPhone – a new app that promises to “turn your iPhone into an MPC.”
Here’s what they have to say about it:
Turn your iPhone into an MPC. With more than 1,200 samples, 50 editable programs, 80 editable sequences, and iconic MPC workflow, iMPC is the first app to bring the look and feel of the classic Akai Pro MPC to your iPhone. iMPC includes everything you need to create a beat quickly and easily, including built-in effects, plus the ability to create new sequences and record and overdub beats.
Time correction from 1/8 note to 1/32T with variable swing, and Note Repeat from 1/8 note to 1/32T with latch control are also built in. The app’s built-in sampler can record samples three different ways: using the mic on the iPhone, using the line input on the iPhone, or using the multi-touch turntable interface in iMPC to record samples directly from iTunes or other music libraries.
- More than 1,200 samples, 50 editable programs, and 80 editable sequences
- Exclusive iMPC sound set and classic Akai Professional sound library
- Sample from iPhone mic, line-in, or music library using multi-touch turntable interface
- Exciting “3D Perform” controls — use your iPhone’s motion sensors to control parameters!
- Export tracks to MPC Software for use with MPC Renaissance and MPC Studio
- In-app SoundCloud community, powered by CloudSeeder
- Share on SoundCloud, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or export to your computer
- 16 Levels mode: 16 levels of attack, velocity, length, and tuning
- Note Variation slider: adjust attack, velocity, length, and tuning as you play
- Trim and categorize samples, undo takes and erase samples
- Create new sequences, record and overdub beats
- Live Sequence queuing for real-time performance and playback
- Simple drag and drop program creation
- Built-in effects: delay, bit crusher, master compressor/limiter
- Time correct: 1/8 note – 1/32T with variable swing
- Note Repeat: 1/8 note – 1/32T timing, with latch
- AudioCopy beats and sequences to compatible apps
- AudioPaste samples from compatible apps
iMPC for iPhone is available for $2.99 in the App Store.
If you give it a try, let us know what you think of it!
via reader Peter Weiss
Not for anyone else necessarily but this is really good news for me. I’ve had an MPC1000 for a while but never used it because of the learning curve associated with new devices. However I’m going to get this app and use it to learn the MPC workflow. (I know the haters gonna hate so you guys can go ahead and hit that dislike button, but I really like the rest of you out there. Peace).
No hate here, but you are never going to learn your MPC through this watered down piece of crap. Believe me, I wish this was a better app, but Numark is definitely phoning it in with this nonsense.
I love these well thought out objective comments, well done Robert.
I think if youve used an MPC and own iMPC (i own the iPad version) you would understand where robert is coming from.
The app is a ridiculous cash grab by NuKai.
-No internal resampling
-No chopping of samples
-The pads are all set to weird midi CC controls so it will only work properly with MPC Fly hardware from Akai
-No Audiobus
-Re-skinned & modified version of Retronyms old drum machine http://retronyms.com/userguide/gridlok.html
My previous comment about haters relates to the fact that some people cannot put even the most innocuous information in one of these threads without generating a bunch of dislikes. Spirited disagreement I heartily welcome, especially in this instance where it seems the press release is misinforming would-be users like myself.
Having used neither the MPC1000 nor the iMPC, I’m in no position to know how they compare to each other. I expect the iMPC is a “lite” version of the MPC workflow, at best, especially for $3, but if I could even get my feet wet with that kind of workflow, maybe it would inspire me to get to know the 1000 better, which I’m anxious to do.
That said I really appreciate all the criticism of my plan, as it makes me rethink it. Maybe I should just jump into the 1000 with both feet and forget about doing it lite. Thank you guys.
With your MPC1k just spend a day RTFMing and a while practicing putting in application an you’ll do fine, no need to let them steal huge amounts of memory on your idevice, for something as limited as the iMPC (I did it and want my money back, I was hoping I’d be able to chop beats at the park or something and create MPC files for export to my 1k and have been sorely disappointed)
Thanks SS. Looks like I’m going to skip the iMPC completely. Glad you all saved me some money, even if it’s only $2.99, so say nothing of the space on my iPhone.
I understand where you are coming from. I started on an MPC 500 at an older age after coming from software and it took a lot of reading and practice to wrap my head around the workflow. So I understand wanting to start on something simpler. But the MPC 1000 you have in front of you is a really powerful machine. And it will let you create some amazing music that you will be able to properly export, modify in a daw if you wish, and preserve over time. And after you have learned its basic functions and need more power, it will expand in functionality through the installation of JJOS..So if you think that hardware is for you, I’d say don’t look back and dive directly into the MPC you’ve got. There are great resources at mpc-forums and a lot of people (including myself) who are willing to answer questions about these machines over there.
This app is basically a set of semi-decent samples for $3.00. It follows the general rule of thumb that you get what you pay for. These Numark guys are trading off the legacy of the Akai brand to dupe people interested in making sample-based music. They’ve been doing this for a while now but the iMPC is the most ridiculous attempt in my opinion. The problem is that the hyperbole they use is going to make a lot of folks think they can become the next great producer with a $3.00 spend. And those folks without any knowledge or understanding are going to be super frustrated when they are unable to do the most basic things like connect a midi controller to the app or properly chop a sample up and play it. Maybe it is only $3 but it’s just a waste of time and energy for anyone who thinks they might be interested in making music.
The sad thing is, I keep downloading the ipad version hoping it’s gotten better, use it for a bit and then delete it because it is such a waste of space. Like I said, I would really like it to be better, but they just don’t seem to understand what it takes to make a functional app.
If you want to learn sampling, sample editing, chopping etc I’d invest in Beatmaker. It seems to be the iOS choice over at mpc forums and gets a lot of praise.
Thanks Robert. That was very thorough. I wish I’d picked up the 500 instead of the 1000 because then it would solve the mobility problem. One of the attractions of iMPC was being able to take it with me. I’m out of the studio so much, mobile devices, like the OP-1, iPhone, etc, really give me a chance to dive in deep. If I’d gotten the 500 I would have already learned it because I could take it with me. I chose the 1000 because of JJOS (I have version 3, I think). I will just have to take a week where I do nothing else but try to make some tracks on the MPC. I’m sure I’ll get it.
I do have beatmaker 2 and it is the best music making app I’ve found, but, to me, it feels more like a iOS mini DAW than a drum machine/production workstation. I’m super comfortable in the DAW environment and part of the reason for getting into MPC was to get away from the DAW. I’m trying to do more hardware/analog/live performance/step sequencer than piano roll/loops/VST/AU/controller/software. So far, it’s been a very rewarding shift, and eventually the MPC will be very important as a sample trigger, but in the meantime, I really need to learn its workflow.
How can this be ridiculous and a waste of time and energy? Maybe compared to something worth 500 euros. I never owned an mpc although i always fancied one, so i got this 6 euros version for the ipad, knowing ahead that i won’t be able to chop samples. I work with logic so i have no problem getting the samples chopped in the computer(where my music library is, anyway). And i know this isn’t an mpc, but it has been the most inspiring thing in the last two weeks, when i had a lot of work so i couldn’t take time for music, except some 30 min breaks every now and then. And in those minutes i made about 10-15 beats with it, at least half of them i’m really proud about and i’m sure i couldn’t have done them in logic. I consider them starting points for future songs, although they sound great already. I can do them werever i am and let that be an inspiration. It’s a great sketchpad. Not an MPC! An iMPC. Happy beats to you all!
The impc app has nothing to do with the mpc 1000 that you have.
The sequencer is not the same, nor are any of its other features, therefore how can it teach you how to use your mpc 1000 when it doesn’t sequence like an mpc 1000, it doesn’t edit samples like an mpc 1000, and it does not arrange songs like an mpc 1000………?
I kind of think the op post is fake cause why would you say anything about haters unless you already knew the difference between the impc and the mpc 1000……….?
I will share this with you though, I’ve been sucka free since ’92
what’s funny is that back in the day, there was enormous snobbery about which mpc you used. for all the producers i knew, anything other than an mpc60/mk ii or an mpc 3000 was “not really an mpc”. the mpc2000 was a fake, cashing in on the mpc name. didn’t sound the same (the mpc60 was 12 bit, the 3000 had slightly timing errors out of the multiouts, both had the linn timings), was just akai making a quick buck.
plus ca change…..
plus c’est pareil! 🙂
I have a 1000, and have been using both hardware and software for a long time. I can see the limits in the app but that for me makes even better. I personally dont like having everything laid out on a plate its better to learn how to overcome restrictions. Lets face it, not even the sp202 could sequence yet I know a whole bunch of people who could kill that machine.
Just curious how this compares with iMaschine on the iPhone? Anyone tried both?
In my opinion, they’re both comparable in that they both have some decent samples, and if all you want is to quickly get something going, then they’re pretty good value for money.
The problems start when you want to do anything more serious; neither have features that other apps have, which means that they have pretty limited functionality.
What you could do, is buy it and pull the samples out of it, and import them into a drum machine app that does include more extensive editing and other features like MIDI clock sync, Audiobus etc.
It really depends on what features you interested in.
…unless both of these iMPC are under a £1?…couldn’t be bothered looking.
I wish any of these little apps would export each track/instrument as individual sample loops in one pass. That would make them truly useful as little idea generators because you could sketch on the go, and then easily replace/build on the ideas in a DAW later. Limiting export to compound loops or product-specific project files actually limits the user base.
Please don’t buy this. I’ve owned both a MPC 1000 and the app. And I’ll tell you it’s like comparing a steak to a McDonalds burger. Yeah the burger was good for a minute but after you feel like shit. Now with a steak that’s a different story. If you want something that is almost a MPC 1000 get Beatmaker 2 it is amazing.
I hope akai is reading this. Impc,Ren and akai studio all suck! You guys really are the laughing stock of beat makers these days. Cram it.
I wouldn’t mind my money back. I didn’t buy the iPad version but they got me on this one…oh well, lesson learned
3 bucks is a very reasonable price to pay for this app. Of course it is not comparable to a full blown MPC ( seriously for 3 bucks you can’t expect that ), but this app beat imaschine to the punch by having 2 features it should have had from the beginning ..audio paste and sample start and end editing.These 2 features make it possible to do almost anything you want, so I’m not really getting why people are upset. This app and imaschine are both sketch pads and in the hands of someone that gets that and pushes the app to its limit a whole lot can be accomplished. I hope this presses NI to update their app as well.
After using it for a couple of days and making a few beats the sample editing and audio copy/ paste is definitely the feature that MUST be added to imaschine. I like the fact that this app and imaschine DON’T give you the full blown DAW expierence, ( auto chop, lots of tracks etc. ) because sometimes less is more. Imaschine has a far better sound, much more powerful and punchy than the impc ( the compressor effect helps though ). Slightly longer sampling time, copy/paste, and start / end editing ( envelopes would also be a competition crusher ), and this app will be a must have for all beat makers. Seriously NI please update imaschine.
Shame, there seems to be no midi.
There is MIDI. but it is set to weird ass CC’s
The MPC Fly’s pads are hardwired to all sorts of weird CC’s so that no one could use a maschine or mpd or trigger finger with this app. Other wise you wouldn’t need a MPC Fly to use this app.
Here’s a guide to getting it working, not worth the time and effort for this shnitty app anyway:
I’ve just got iMPC, and I need to ask – what’s with the (apparent) permanent sounds mapped to the pads. I’ve created an empty program and sequence, and there’s still sounds on the pads. I also tried one of the ‘factory’ programs, muted all four channels of the mixer, and it was still playing away to itself. What is going on? I deleted it and reloaded it, but it was the same. Any help would be appreciated……thanks in advance. Thought it was going to be great, but as mentioned above BM2 is far better.
M t D
I don’t understand why people would talk this app down so much, an ice coffee or a little bit of cake is more expensive than this. Ok I’m spewing this doesn’t have audiobus or midi clock but the ideas that have been inspired by this app are worth a lot more than a little bit of cake IMO. The samples are some of the best I’ve heard out of any apps and that’s what I was after so I give this app a thumbs up 🙂