Csound Now Available On Android

csound-androidCsound – an open source user-programmable software sound synthesizer  is now available on Android.

Csound contains a full complement of digital oscillators, samplers, filters, envelope generators, random number generators, physical models, sound granulators, phase vocoders, and other unit generators.

Users write instrument definitions in Csound’s orchestra language to render notes written in Csound’s score language, played on a MIDI controller, or generated within the orchestra or by some other programming language.

This Android version of Csound provides a user interface with predefined sliders, buttons, and trackpad for real time control of instruments. You can also create a custom user interface in HTML and JavaScript.

The app integrates with text editors so that the app itself can be used to develop Csound pieces.

Csound pieces for the app can embed LuaJIT or JavaScript code for algorithmically generating scores.

The app was originally written by Victor Lazzarini and Steven Yi, and has been extended and is currently maintained by Michael Gogins.

via PalmSounds

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