Behringer Teases New Synthesizer

Behringer today released this teaser video for a new analog synthesizer.

The company has previously talked about making a Behringer line of vintage synth clones, teased the possibility of a Behringer Midas synthesizer and a Behringer Arp Odyssey clone.

Details for the new Behringer synthesizer are still to be announced.

91 thoughts on “Behringer Teases New Synthesizer

      1. I keep seeing people say that but this is honestly the first hardware synth demo I’ve seen him in. I see him endorse softsynths and modular stuff all the time but never a fixed architecture synth… But I also don’t spend lots of my time watching synth demos so I’m probably missing some

          1. Well I stand corrected and take back my previous comments. I had no idea he did that video for the rhythm wolf bahahahahaha. That is just sad.

          2. I’m guessing they told him it was an unfinished model, they just didn’t tell him that they never intended to finish it. He should have been given permission to retract his statements once the product was out. I’m guessing he will make sure that’s I his contract in future!

  1. yeh, so im ready to pre-order LOL

    cant wait to see this come out at like $150 or something crazy low like that… and watch all the rest of the synth manufactures shit their pants

    1. A) that’s crazy talk

      B) not sure how cheep clones with crap quality would move things forward

      C) your comment seems completely disconnected from what is in the video

      1. Behringer have discussed a cheaper price point for their synth. I’m really looking forward to this. Great video, you can hear it, the artists give useful comments.

        Pity I’m on a “no spend” policy for some time to come.

        1. They talked about a $500 Behringer Odyssey a while back on their Facebook.

          This doesn’t look at all like that, but it also doesn’t look like it’s all plastic either.

          If Behringer could do a $500 synth made as well as the Minilogue, but with full-size keys, they might have a hit. That’s a big ‘if’, though, but we can hope!

        2. yeah I don’t know about $150 though – if it is then great but they tend to be like half of what you would pay for gear in the same range – so thinking more like $250 – $500 is more likely

      2. A) yes Im crazy, some might say “Mad”

        B) cheap clones are awesome because you can smash them up and not give a shit

        C) if you cant connect the dots, that doesnt mean they arent connected… it just means you cant see the connections

      3. cheap gear moves thing forward by letting all get involved, not just those with better paying jobs or well-off families supporting them. I love quality gear as much as the next person love DSI, Moog, Oberheim, for providing those products, but we also need affordable stuff. I want to see inner city kids playing these things! If its similar to a Minibrute/Bass Station II, with modern connectivity, that’s cool in my book. Regarding the clone issue, everyone does it in the synth world, so not a big deal in this case.

        1. yeah – I always site the example of a clinic I went to in the 90s where steinberg reps were there and they said “we could sell our software a lot cheaper but the difference between an amateur and a professional musician is how much money they are willing to dedicate to their gear”. I never wanted to give a penny to them after that.

        2. ” I want to see inner city kids playing these things!”

          What about rural, farm community kids? What about suburban kids?

        3. This video doesn’t suggest this is a clone, I know that’s what other videos have suggested, but this seems to promote an original design.

      1. you will have to, there will be some faulty keys probably, or one where the filter doesnt work, or one where the vca is noisy.

        still a behringer šŸ˜‰

        1. Let’s hope not. Behringer have improved their game lately and stated they wanted to rectify those issues in production. It’s down to the Chinese factories they’re made in I guess.

  2. Bang for buck company. Gets no respect. What’s not to like? There have always been companies like this one, putting out tons of usable products, making some big mistakes, getting pissed on by their critics, getting back on their feet to try again. My only experience with them has been fairly positive…

    1. I agree. I’ve been enjoying their mixers and amplifiers for years. I’ve had no quality problems. And I’ve greatly appreciated the price.

    2. Behringer gear seems like a bargain to people that don’t have much experience with gear or that don’t need professional quality and reliability.

      They have an entire line of effects pedals that are knockoffs of professional pedals. They seem like a bargain until you listen to them closely, realize that they’re packed in plastic boxes and discover that the circuit boards and batteries are just loose in the case, designed to crap out on you at a gig.

      Their mixers seem like a bargain until channels start failing as soon as your warranty is up.

      Behringer will have to prove itself in order for synthesists to take them seriously.

      1. lol ive got a couple of those $25 pedals, and they are awesome… for the price its ridiculously good, just mind boggling actually… they sound great for stage too

        there are plenty of computer plugins that cost way more than that, and suck much harder – and they arent even physical objects! these things exist in physical reality. ok so the battery connection is garbage, you have to use AC, but thats fine, ive got AC

        yeh its not avalon or neve quality stuff – thats not the point, ITS FUCKING 25 DOLLARS

        1. Oh how far I have fallen down the Rabbit hole of expensive virtual junk. I now realize I would have been happier in a lot of cases with cruddy plastic hardware. At least it doesn’t turn pro, demand yearly upgrades, become abandoned, or pretend to be something it isn’t. I have a lot of excellent VSTs, but if I could trade about twenty virtual POSs for some cheap Behringer hardware, I would in a heartbeat.

          And you can actually resell it.

      2. “Behringer gear seems like a bargain to people that donā€™t have much experience with gear or that donā€™t need professional quality and reliability.”

        I agree with you. Not targeted to professionals.

        It seems very straightforward to me: the market is bigger on the amateur side than on the professional side.

        1. It’s also useful when experimenting with new ways of working, you can buy a less expensive option, see if it improves your workflow, if not, sell it, if yes, sell it, upgrade.

          Their small portable mixers look very tempting to me at the moment for setting up some kind of live rig…

      3. no way man….
        The behringer super fuzz is one of my favorite fuzz pedals and I own like 15 fuzz pedals (and actually you recognize the sound when you hear it because billy corrigan uses it a lot).
        I also have 2 mixers that are still holding up fine from them, 1 from somewhere around 2000 and the other around 2005 – and a usb interface that is totally clean and haven’t had issues with.

        1. I never knew this pedal existed, guess I’m gonna have to get one. Looks like they have a tube screamer clone as well with a 4558 IC for $20!

        2. I never post, but the super fuzz is shit, way too trebly and thin. I bought one to back up my fz2 hyper fuzz and wasn’t impressed at all. The boss kills it in every way, I guess if I didn’t have the original I wouldn’t know the difference.

  3. Behringer X32 mixer of the year/product of the year for about 3 years running, used professionally by a great many people without issue, its almost the Standard small venue mixer. I think a lot of people took Behringer a lot more seriously after the X32….its wasn’t just bang for the buck, it was best in class (for half the cost of what was on the market….)

  4. ABOUT freakin time.
    I say it is hard to find a studio that does not have something of theirs in it (There are are some that don’t) and considering alesis, roland, yamaha and others have been making pro audio as well instuments (one has also been making motorcycles and soccer balls) I was wondering if behringer was was to make a synth. When you good a making electronic devices you can try branching out

    1. Agreed: people who don’t know a lot use behringer , and people who know a little bit crap all over it; but people who really know a lot use behringer.

      Mass market so their products sometimes suffer from large scale manufacturing defects in small batches: yet they’ll gladly replace a new product that isn’t working or has a defect. Just don’t buy second hand behringer, and you’re good.

      People assume build quality is bad across the board and just complain, but in my experience those people just haven’t had to work with enough gear to know that even an sc48 fails sometimes and needs to be swapped out by avid: just a numbers game. There are less 50 thousand dollar consoles out there than 150 dollars behringer eurorack mixers .

      In fact, anecdotally, 60-70 percent of live electronica artists who’s use a mixer, and are signed a major label, use a behringer.

      I eagerly await , and while t may not be a magic key that unlocks the worlds new musical directions, a behringer aynth will clear the field and Forcw other companies to innovate. Also, it’s a childhood passion project pulled off by a multinational corporation with gigantic resources : it seems as if behribger is achieving his life’s work, so at the very least , I’m curious …

    1. yeah I vote for full-sized keys so my fingers can stretch out a littlet. Or two versions (full sized and mini) to make everyone complain about something else….

  5. The market seems saturated, but it’s actually not. Almost every synth under $1000 is a little off target. If someone nailed good sound, normal sized keys, smaller form factor, all the right ins/outs, and a decent amount of features/programmability, they would sell like no other product out at the moment. It wouldn’t have be built like a tank, just “good enough”, because the majority of users (even professionals) won’t ever put the hardware through the rigors of touring.

    I’d love to see this be that device.

  6. I’m really intrigued by this one. The sound reminds me of my old Korg Poly61 a bit but with loads of extra modulation going on.

    Personally, I want it to be closer to a Juno 60/106 spec wise. But if it is mini/semi size keys that will be a no from me.

    Can’t wait to see what the unit actually sounds/plays like in person though.

    1. I hear you, I was reminded of the trusty Juno 60 by this video, don’t kno why but maybe by the size and the sliders

  7. Some of the sounds seemed kind of Oberheim Matrix-ish with a bit of digi-fuzz harmonics on the top end. Somewhat familiar, somewhat unique. The close ups of the faders (love faders on ADSR by the way) and the “VCF” definitely made me think of the Juno 106 but as others have mentioned, seems to be a monophonic synth.

    Regardless, they have my piqued my interest. Anxious to see where this one goes.

  8. It looks like 3 plus octaves doesn’t it? Has semi familiar sound and looks well made, I’m not turned off by any of that yet, hope it’s demystified soon

  9. “wow, wood end cheeks”

    a bit feeble for 2016. I hope the synth is great but I am sure the design won’t be.

  10. I’m finding it hard to get excited by this. Behringer have burned me one too many times.
    I really hope this turns out to be a great product and they restore my faith in them.

  11. Am I the only one who is rather amazed at everyone’s assumptions around a video that goes on for 1:05 and reveals exactly nothing? Seems like the one thing no one can disagree with is that Behringer knows how to stroke the hype machine….

    1. There are quite a few shots of fader layout that are clearly Juno styled.

      Furthermore, there are enough sound bytes to realize the synth will be able to provide a decent sound without being over harsh (as many of the recent “analog” releases have been).

  12. While i love expensive gear i’d like to point out that especially techno was more or less invented using the most cheapest synths like the dx100 šŸ™‚

  13. When a company does ā€œcheapā€ products at a major scale, there are usually more issues than for a company that makes expensive product at a small scale.
    But even expensive gear fails, and I’m not even sure that Behringer gears has a higher faulty product return in percentage, compared to most brands with better reputation. But since they sell more than most, you will find more google results.

    Their cheap mixers and interfaces may be noisy, but a noisy recording, is better than no recording at all. Not everyone can afford to spend top dollars on minimizing noise.
    And by the way, there are loads of professional recordings with recorded noise from the signal chain.
    It seems that the musicians that care most about noise are the ones that has a little extra to spend on gear, but that do not live off their music.
    You see major recording artists using old noisy gear all the time; they don’t seem to be bothered. And not only is it noisy, itā€™s often fragile, but they still donā€™t seem bothered by that.
    If major artist were more concerned with money and did not have endorsements deals, I think we would see lots more using Behringer gear. And some already does, just not where you can see it.

    Perhaps Behringer should endorse a major artistā€™s tour, to clean up their reputation, but usually when brands starts with stunts like that the prices tend to go up.
    Most Behringer gear is of good enough quality. Some is of really good quality. Not a lot of Behringer gear is actually of bad quality.

    Iā€™m not completely sold on this demo.
    There is nothing that feels unique about it. It might be priced very well. Or it might have some surprises up its sleeve. It could still be a solid performer that would be nice to have in a set-up.
    But this far Iā€™m not getting any GAS.

  14. I kinda recent Behringer-bashing.. and I look forward to their synths. Currently I’ve got three Behringer devices – a MX2442a that has been running flawlessly on a daily basis for the last 16 years (dunno how old it is I bought it second hand). Not even one scratchy potmeter! The second one is a BCR2000 that I got when they came out. No problems to date. The last one is an X-air 12 digital mixer – also good, but it’s only been with me for a few months as of yet.

    Behringer are guite aware of their rumour – so they’ve started to offer longer guarantees on their products than what is common. I recon a lot of their competition recent that fact.

  15. theyve talked about a Jupiter 8 as well..a Behringer Clone. Heres hoping. Would give Roland a right good kick in the berries if they did. Nobody would like to see that more than me

    1. actually wouldnt be surprised – its THE most wanted analog polysynth of all time… if you were trying to sell units, seems an obvious choice

      reason i say so – this one looks pretty suspiciously like a compact juno-106

  16. What’s the ‘Analog’ button? Overriding built in difital FX? Switching from digital synth to analogue synth? Turing on an analogue filter to pass digital oscillators through?

  17. It’s a placebo button, actually it does not do anything, but if you press it you feel like more analog warmth and depth had been suddenly added to the sound.

  18. I would have expected lush chords/ pads in the teaser if the synth was taking on the Jupiter.
    I am expecting a sh-101 that looks like a Juno style synth to take on the Roland micro-vst hardware.

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