52 thoughts on “Behringer DeepMind 12 DCO Overview

  1. The actual sound is camouflaged by a stock loop. Why? Marketing fail or isnโ€™t Behringer so sure that we will all love it? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Yeah. It doesn’t appear any of the tweaking really does much of anything.

      Show the raw sounds being tweaked.

      Or better yet…release the specs and price.

  2. Oh my!!!! I’m impressed. The only ltsy bitsy itch I have with it is that the oscillators are DCO….but with ‘drift’ I’ll manage….does it have CV out n in?

      1. ???

        People always complain about Dave Smith using DCO’s and digital oscillators.

        Name some great analog polysynths that sound great and are reliable, though, and they’ll probably use DCO’s.

      2. Hi, yeah actually the DSI synths are not very convincing in their ‘drift’ sounds at all to my ears. They are replicating ‘something’ but not what is really the characteristic vco driftyness which gives them that monstrous kind of living sound. The dsi’s do not sound like ‘alive’ to me, sure they are fat, but closer to a juno, for what it’s worth.

        ๐Ÿ™ was awaiting a VCO synth from Uli given all his talk of them in the last interview. anyone else puzzled??

  3. Somewhere in-between Arturias interminable Matrixbrute “here is what an oscillator sounds like” and Behringers (possibly) great sounding DM12 with its heavy handed loop over the sounds, lies a decent, no nonsense demonstration of a synth. All this teasing is getting a little wearisome. Sometimes I yearn for those pre-internet days when synth just turned up in a dealers without fanfare. Bam! you played it, you liked it, you bought it.

      1. Its getting a little like film trailers. All the best bits in 2 minutes and you feel you have seen the film already. No need to go to the cinema but if you do – its an expensive diapppointment.

  4. The first couple teasers were effective, I think. But now I’m starting to get bored/frustrated with it. Teasing, when done well, and to taste, can work. Too much = no good.

  5. I didn’t mind the drum loop added in. That’s fine.

    I liked that they didn’t really mess with filters and just had the oscillators pretty wide open.

    Have DCO’s is what makes this possible. It has been extensively and succesfully defended in other comment threads. The Juno 106 for sure had DCO’s. Did the Juno 60 also have DCOs?

    The main thing settled by this is that there is a great degree of flexibility with the oscillators.

    I look forward to hearing how snappy the envelopes are in the next vid!!

      1. There’s so much added in that you can’t even tell the PWM from whatever the hell else is going on.

        That’s bad. Nick for Sonic is probably going apeshit.

  6. Yeah….pricing n availability would be nice….and are these systems even in production yet??? Maybe I missed something….

  7. lol at people complaining about drums in the video.

    Seriously, you ARE going to have more than just a synth line in your track…aren’t you? You’re hearing the DM12 in a realistic scenario — a final mix. Isn’t that the scenario it SHOULD be judged in?

    And it isn’t as if the drums in this video are overpowering the synth in any way. The orchestration is actually rather stark, it’s really easy to distinguish the different sounds.

    1. You need to hear what it sounds like raw first and foremost. I don’t care at all what an instrument sounds like in a mix. That has more to do with engineering skills and less to do with the sound quality of the instrument in question.

    2. Well if we judge a synth only by it’s sound in a full mix then there is no point in buying this hardware synth at all. I think you can get away with using software synths. They can sound very good in the mix. So the raw sound is very important

  8. I agree that the teasers need to stop. Just announce the price already. Manufacturers have to realize at this point that most buyers are going to wait for video reviews from the likes of Sonicstate, Perfect Circuit, AutomaticGainsay, Sweetwater, and the other usual suspects before making any serious decisions. They’re not going to accomplish anything with more videos aside from spending more of their budget on marketing.

  9. We see lots of complaints here about teasers. Behringer’s marketing folks know that they need to create a buzz about a new product. They also need to convince some of those potential minilogue buyers to hold onto their cash until this is released. They also are playing to the strength of an discrete analog design.

    One of the reasons Synthtopia readers are annoyed by these teasers is because here we have a lens that is hyperfocused on all hints & rumors of new products. Out there in the general public, the way those kids hear about synths is when us nerds actually leave our parents basements (I kid) and go talk to our musician pals.

    Would we talk about this synth if it was just released and got fantastic reviews? I think so, but timing is also a factor. If the synth is just getting finishing touches, they do kind of need to make people think about it long before it is released– to start saving up.

    I won’t be surprised if they haven’t decided on a price. But I suppose there is going to be a minimum (that they already know).

    1. Yep, those teasers are too annoying already. We most likely will watch them all eventually. Maybe they just wish that even the real synth nerds who don’t surf synthtopia every day will get the news if they happen to visit the internet when ever that will be.

  10. Somehow now i’m done with it. Too much teasing now. Its a shame. Doesnt do all the effort and the synths idea justice. I bought a 2nd hand pek pe this weekend instead of waiting.

    I was over it but am now doubting again if I want a Behringer in my high end studio setup.

    The Arturia Matrixbrute had more appeal to me as my next synth as it has a more exclusive feel and design to it. I like that

  11. if it can sound like a roland JX-3p, oberheim style van halen basslines and john carpentereque arps i’ll be really interested
    in adding one here…of course price and availability pending.

  12. Behringer goes on to say: “We will also focus first on polyphonic sound generation, as the market requires this. Our goal is, as usual, to reward customers with extremely good quality and very good prices for your loyalty to our company. I am of the clear opinion that today’s analogue synthesizers are simply too expensive, and that we are trying to change.”
    maybe they should call it the MIDAS TOUCH 12, bcos it certainly isn’t going to be priced with the above sentiment.

  13. At least they’re DCOs rather than the digital oscillators on the DSI Prophet 12 which, although they have multiple waveforms beyond analogue, simply don’t quite have the bite of the DCOs on the Prophet 8.

    (Digital Waveforms & FM –> lots of aliasing problems –> aggressive band-limited filtering of the oscillator signal before they even reach the filters).

  14. At least they’re DCOs rather than digital signal generators as in the DSI Prophet 12 which never quite has the bite of the DCOs in the DSI Prophet 8, probably due to aggressive band-limiting & anti-aliasing before they even hit the filters.

    1. Yep:
      I have now made the decision to offer the DeepMind12 at a recommended sales price of US$ 999.99 (I have a feeling your dealer might drop the 99 cents).*

      Getting this instruments into the hands of as many musicians as possible is a dream come true.

      We are planning to ship the first units towards the end of the year. While we will do everything we can do ramp up production, please be patient as we donโ€™t know yet how we can fill all these backorders.


  15. This instrument is either tremendously underpriced or the quality will be bad. Can’t see how otherwise this can be made under 1700$
    Even cheap slave work in asia can’t bring the price down to that point.
    I guess he is selling this for less than it’s worth.

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