18 thoughts on “Roland SE-02 Vintage Funk Bass Sound Demo

  1. And it isn’t a cheap knockoff, with fake Moog knobs, a giant ‘D’ on the front and Behringer build quality, either.

    I like that Roland has made what appears to be a great little synth, with lots of modern features, instead of a tiny and tinny approximation of a 40 year-old design.

    The SE-02 sounds really good, and though they don’t claim that it sounds like a Minimoog, it’s definitely got some sick bass.

  2. Jesus – everybody who ever worked in a music shop selling synths must have done this exact first funk line. I dont understand why demoers only think synths are used for 80s acid or 70s funk.

    1. Don’t hate the funk! I personally enjoyed the whole video. I don’t need another voice added to my rig, but it’s videos like this that make me reconsider. Funky and very much appreciated!

    1. Not even Moog tone is like Moog tone. And for that I am grateful. I have a 1974 Minimoog and a Sub 37. They sound nothing alike. If they did I’d be selling the Sub 37. I plan on getting one of these and I hope it sounds as a 3osc synth with cross modulation should. Which will be different to both my Moogs.

  3. I’m a bit underwhelmed too to be honest. That said, i expect it is better than the demos of it that I have heard thus far. If Roland would kindly consent to providing me with one I could find out.

  4. I’m so bored by all the boring demos that bored me to death with their incredible boringness. I was so profoundly bored, that after I saw the link for this post, I clicked on it, and took time out of my day to inform the world that I don’t like this synth. It may seem like this would be the opposite action someone so disinterested would take. However, I can assure you I was so monumentally bored, that I actually dismantled the underpinnings of the universe as we know and understand it, and did the opposite. That’s how bored I was.

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