Korg + Propellerhead have collaborated on a new version of Gadget, Korg’s virtual studio for Mac and iOS.
The latest update to KORG Gadget introduces Stockholm by Reason – a gadgetized version of the Dr. Octo Rex Loop Player available in Reason 10. Here’s what they have to say about it:
Stockholm by Reason is a gadgetized version of Dr. Octo Rex Loop Player from Reason by Propellerhead Software, which allows you to load a total of 8 Rex files and switch between them in real-time.
You can make arrangements by simply loading multiple drum or guitar loops into the player and freely switching between them. It is also possible to create new beats by triggering slices in any way you like.
Audio Demos:
Korg is also running a half-price sale on Gadget through 8/8/2018. See the Korg site for details.
When this is a VST usable in other DAWs, it’ll be even better. Speaking of, where’s the PC version of Gadget?
I was going to say all gadgets come in AU/VST form, but this would appear to be the first new one that hasn’t appeared in Ableton straight away, and it’s not in my plugin folder at all. Delayed plugin version, or is it possible there won’t be one due to licensing reasons or something?
It would be nice if korg would make AUV versions out of their gadgets… Thats the reason why I dont buy any longer gadgets….
I only use auv3 now. Always hated IAA. Likewise I won’t be using or buying any non-auv3 synths.
I’m generally a big fan of Gadget, but the design of the 3D representation of the Stockholm Gadget looks like a cross between a Volca and a Roach Motel.
What does your design look like?
Like Korg’s, but minus the paper thin veneer “cheeks”.
And with this new update my iPad gen 3 no longer runs Gadget at all. Thanks Korg…