Behringer MS-101 First Look (Roland SH-101 Clone)

In this video, Cory Banks of BBoy Tech Report takes a look at the new Behringer MS-101.

The Behringer MS-101 is a modern clone of the Roland SH-101 synthesizer, originally introduced in 1983. Behringer has updated the design, adding basic MIDI support, a step sequencer and more.

Information on availability is still to be announced.

42 thoughts on “Behringer MS-101 First Look (Roland SH-101 Clone)

    1. I agree. A friend of mine had one, back then, and this does seem much the same. I confess to feeling rather underwhelmed by it. Still, that’s the good thing about reviews like this: you can decide that you won’t be spending money on one synth, and then encounter another that you simply must have.

            1. I don’t know – it is ok but I still don’t see the fandom, I mean maybe it is just that for the real estate there are a lot more fun things that I would rather have.

    2. Basic? Yes. Fun? Hell yes! I don’t know what it is, but I love mine. And I know many others who love theirs. It’s not just the tone, which is exceptional (precise yet powerful, easy to mix), but there’s also something about the tweakabilty. Even though you wouldn’t say so based on the specs. There’s just something about the machine that makes it more than the sum of its parts. I know one producer who owns most of the cool synths out there, and he says one of the synths that keeps surprising him, is the 101.

    3. What’s the appeal of the piano? It’s been a good entry level musical instrument for hundreds of years. Why are we still building them? What a ridiculous point. The 101 has been used in many well known recordings. It has a unique character and sound. Easily a synth you can pick out in a mix. Pretty sure it’s still the only analogue synth to come with a mod grip and strap mounts.

  1. please just make a demo of a standard 101 bass, lead, and seq patch while tweaking the filter and envelopes. Need to hear some sweet spots before I buy.

    1. You would think that would be a given on a demo.
      There are so many bad YouTube synth demos out there.
      Sometimes it’s like a 5 year old has stumbled over a new toy and doesn’t even know how to turn it on!
      Do companies actually check these guys out before sending them a new/prototype synth to review?
      Or just look at their YouTube number of subscribers……..
      Obviously the latter!!

  2. Loved the SH-101A and was thinking shucks but having the grip handle and the pitch stick really got me wanting to add this to the collection plus layering them both or hooking them up with midi sounds like stacking them would create a nice little beast just hope it’s cheaper than the neutron

  3. there’s some wierd modulation on the filter, but otherwise it sounds like an SH-101. They could have given it to someone who knows how to use it though.

  4. I have a blue SH-101 and this really reminds me of it. I think I might get it and keep my vintage unit at home. I think the original is really cool and so is this. It might not be my first recommendation for someone looking for a monosynth – for that I’d suggest a Bass Station II – but as a fun and inexpensive clone of the original, I say this is a great value.

    The original 101 is a great sounding instrument, and while very basic is still very good. I always tell my students – it doesn’t have to be complicated to be good, it just has to be good to be good. An original 101 is good, and if this is reasonably well made, it will be good too.

    1. I have a red one. But I don’t have the mod grip. I see them pop up on eBay on the rare occasion. But usually for some ridiculous money. Hopefully If they do make mod grip for this clone it’ll be cross compatible with the original. And as for build quality this does look reasonably well built. Which is about as much as you could say for the original.

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