Jean-Michel Jarre Live VR New Year’s Performance

Jean-Michel Jarre shared this free VR performance – created in partnership with the City of Paris and UNESCO – designed to be a New Year’s Eve ‘concert-spectacular’, set in a virtual recreation of the Notre-Dame de Paris.

Welcome to the Other Side is a free concert experience, created with the intent ‘to send a message of hope for 2021’.

19 thoughts on “Jean-Michel Jarre Live VR New Year’s Performance

  1. Also sounds and looks like fr-08: .the .product by farbrausch | 64k intro (2000) (720p HQ demoscene demo) 20 years old.

  2. Lot of flashing lights, hard to find any synths behind it… I watched partially. Boring to me. I understand when are people on those kind of concert and dancing. Maybe idea was that people in rooms should be dancing. Not sure. But for me unwatchable. Hard fan of JMJ from many years, I like his concert when he with his team has really playing on synths. But, sorry not this one. I really don’t understand those love of JMJ to dance/trance scene. His first albums was more TD, more ambitious electronic music. Why he is JMJ trance DJ now? I don’t understand that. Give us another deep electronic album please.

    1. +1
      Having heart albums like Oxygen or Magnetic Fields over and over, I can’t understand that a trained musician genius like JMJ is satisfied by doing some average disco-techno with blinking lights.

    2. @Pawel @WOK

      After JmJ lost his Mum and Dad, he made a decision

      “Do not go gentle into that good night,
      Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
      Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”

    3. What, are you kidding me? I have his latest albums, and they sound like what’s on this video. I’m listening for something new, but I’m not hearing it. At least 95% is on his albums, or warmed over a bit from the tracks. As for dance music, JMJ has been making club dance versions for decades.

      Sure, I’d love to hear albums like “Zoolook” again. But then again, I’d love to hear Yellow Magic Orchestra put out albums like “BGM,” but that wasn’t their real gig.

      I’m listening to the performance all the way through, but just taking a quick peek at the video from time to time. He’s not actually performing (playing notes), it looks like he’s mixing/orchestrating.

  3. Good idea with progressive trance elements but horribly produced. Too much of everything, especially hyper compression/limiting, number of tracks and FX. Less is more, perhaps look at your colleague Kebu dear JMJ.

  4. I think it is admirable JMJ made something for New Year’s Eve, for the Notre Dame, and for music in general by using technology in music and events not used a lot so far.

    From these perspectives, this is truely an achievement.

    Happy New Year , Jean Michel!

  5. A great composer which is moving on with the times I am very grateful of his online productions. It’s good entertainment. He is actually playing live quite a bit really ( I saw his show a couple years ago),

    1. Totally agree – moving with the times. Are all “nay” sayers are stuck in 1999? Time to move on guys, it is 2021:)
      Personally absolutely Love it 🙂

  6. Spot-watched some of this. Really not my kind of electronic music, but I can appreciate an artist like him taking the time to offer folks and fans a big virtual production and a long music set to cross the year with. Yes, of course he got a big paycheck out of it. Still, I think that’s cool, regardless of whether I like his music or production aesthetic.

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