Behringer today introduced the 2-XM, an inexpensive, unofficial Euro-format copy of the classic Oberheim Two-Voice synthesizer.
Like the original, the 2-XM features two Synthesizer Expander Modules, each an all-in-one synth voice. But it drops the original’s step sequencer, replacing it with MIDI and CV/Gate control.
- Reproduces SEM 2-Voice circuitry from the ‘70s
- Analog signal path based with VCO, VCF and VCA
- 2 independent voices for polyphonic, split or 4-oscillator unison sounds
- 2 variable oscillator shapes, with adjustable pulse width for inspiring sounds
- Oscillator sync
- 2 multi-mode filters, with low-pass, high-pass, band-pass and notch modes
- 2 analog LFOs with triangle and square waveforms
- 4 analog envelope generators for extensive control of filters and amplifiers
- Noise generator dramatically expands waveform generation
- Extensive modulation capabilities, including internal and external sources
- 2-channel mixer section featuring level and pan controls for intense stereo sounds
- Portamento function applicable to both voices for pitch gliding effects
- 2 external audio inputs for processing external sound sources
- Dedicated audio outputs plus a combined stereo output
- CV and GATE In/Outs for patching and integrating with other modular gear
- 16-voice Poly Chain allows combining multiple synthesizers for up to 32 voice polyphony
- Eurorack compatible – main module can be transferred to a standard Eurorack case
- 64 controls to give you direct and real-time access to important parameters
- MIDI and USB implementation with MIDI channel and Voice Priority selection
Pricing and Availability
Behringer says that the 2-XM will be priced at $299, with availability dependent on the availability of needed semiconductor chips.
Behringer is the greatest synth company of all time. Please keep the classic analog clones coming at these amazing prices. Please do a clone of the Alesis Andromeda and the Linn drum if anyone at Behringer is listening. Keep them coming!!!
I’m as tempted as anyone to buy these clones, and I’m impressed that Behringer seems to be doing them properly, unlike Roland who is cheaping out by building digital repros which don’t match the originals. But to say that Behringer is the greatest is simply false, until they start innovating new circuitry.
Honestly I’d love to see them do that. I’d instantly buy something that took the direction of Waldorf stuff and ran with it.
This is so sad as your ignorance on the matter is only exceeded by your……
Right, I must attempt to be nicer in 2022. There is nothing cheap about that Roland does. The research and development in the digital recreations is far more expensive and time consuming than the clones operation at Behringer. I have no interest in what they do, especially how they conduct their business yet you should attempt to educate yourself before opining, or just read once in while.
And just remember the old Chinese proverb….seems very apropos at the moment.
What old Chinese proverb?
We need more Calgon! Ancient Chinese secret, huh?
Calgon?! Ancient Chinese secret…
Man you went wayyyyy back with that one
Classics never die:
Chines pro-verb? China built pro sounding reverb 2000 years BC
YOU ARE ALL FOOLS AND FRANKLY, I’M SURPRISED YOU MADE IT THIS FAR IN LIFE! Any real synthesistwho knows his stuff will tell you the MOOG-designed Radio shack brand Realistic is the king of all synth manufacturers!
The Realistic synth line was actually one Moog and one Casio, so their synth line covered different sound palettes pretty well.
+1 for the MG-1
Yes… greatest… because if no other synth company existed, Behringer would have released how many completely original synths again?
Joe, I believe you just set T-Bag ablaze. Hopefully that bag was slightly wet.
Greatest synth company ever? Not even remotely close..
The only thing they really are interested in is peddling cheap chinese made components..
And leeching of true great innovative synthcompanies. They should be ashamed of themselves and so should also those longing for cheap knockoffs! When there are plenty of good cheap original synths available both new and secondhand.
The problem is only the announcements keep coming no product.
Have you actually looked at all the Behringer synths you can literally buy right now ?
This will sell!
(There will be the usual love and hate comments.)
Good to see you finally dropped the knockoff term.
you missed that the story points out this is an inexpensive, unofficial copy of the Two Voice.
aka it’s a knockoff, like most of what Behringer does.
it’s humorous that just the word freaks you out
I love this.
A total knock-off of a dream synth I would never even come close to being able to own. Commence internal debate about corporate philosophy.
the 2-xm interests me too because it’s a knockoff of the Two Voice
its funny to me, though, that anyone would deny that this is a cheap copy of the Oberheim Two Voice. Behringer promotes it as a cheap copy of the Two Voice!
noun: knock-off
a copy or imitation, especially of an expensive or designer product.
“knockoff merchandise”
It really is not that scary of a word, nor is it an inaccurate description. I really don’t get it why people get so triggered by the word, yet want cheap copies of expensive synths.
Some but not all definitions are negative. Here are some examples off of the web.
cheap or [inferior] copy of something
A cheap imitation of something popular, [produced illegally] without a license from the trademark owner, and of [inferior materials].
An imitation of something, particularly a well-known product, [usually lower in quality] and price than the original.
but they usually are inferior in many respects, such as build quality. Granted, many of the knock-offs add nice, modern features, but overall, they are of inferior quality and get to 90%-95% of the original in terms of sound. It then becomes a personal decision if that last 5-10% is worth the extra price and if you will hear it in the mix. I’m all for giving artists access to otherwise unobtainable tools. I personally don’t buy behringer for other reasons that are rather unfortunate and completely avoidable on behringer’s part.
Everybody knows that products like this and the Behringer D and the Swing are knockoffs. People on the Internet just like to be douches.
I don’t have a problem with knockoffs, because I drink Mr Pibb, use an Android phone and eat ‘Tasteeos’. I have no problem with clones/copies/knockoffs, but Behringer’s other business practices are too sleazy to support.
Very nice.
If this and the proton and edge were available 1-2 years ago I’d have bought all three. But I have gone back to using the original Massive vst, guitar rig spitfire audio plugins and Ableton stock plugins like I used to.
And I’m happier and enjoying making music more. I spent a few years buying hardware synths (Arturia, Roland, korg, behringer etc) but spent all my time chasing hardware issues (unstable tuning, latency, noise and faulty hardware). I found support from manufacturers re: faulty stuff atrocious.
I recently sold most of them (the ones that weren’t faulty anyway).
I glad I’m not in the market for a new synth – a state I was permanently in for years – as Behringer would have my head spinning this week.
Same here …. what matters is to have fun, to be inspired by what you have to make music. I have been going back and forth between hardware and software many times, i ended up in a combination of both, but using only the ones that are fun and inspiring to me. GAS is very negative to music making (been there!), you end up having tons of machines that you have to clean and service, never getting deep into all of them, never using them all to their full potential. Whenever a new music tool comes up of course i read the specs and watch the demos, but in the end i ask myself “does this look exciting, inspiring and fun?” and buy it only if i answer yes to all three. Sometimes it feels “less” than what i expected and i sell it. This 2-XM looks good on paper, let’s hear how it sounds and we’ll see …
Oh my, oh my, oh my !!!!!! Cue the Behringer haters/dissenters.
-Always wanted a SEM based synth.
-Could never afford or want to pay huge dollars for a SEM based synth.
-If this captures the SEM sound/vibe, it’s an immediate buy for me.
“If this captures the SEM sound/vibe, it’s an immediate buy for me.”
It will. Behringer’s straight knockoffs sound pretty close to the originals.
Electrical parts are cheap as dirt, so they don’t need to cut corners there.
Yikes, at least be aware that they most definitely do cut corners on most electronic parts, that’s simply been the truth since their start. Esp the pots have been awful, often not even coveting the entire range due to the shitty wiper in them, or non mounted Jack’s that pull on the PCB with only a hint of solder holding them on (can literally see through most mounting holes on some of those PCBs, when they should have solder)
They’re cheap knockoffs for a reason, they’ll cut corners wherever they can they can gey away with. Always has been their practice.
What do you want for $299?
I have a Behringer Model D and a Neutron. They are feature packed, great sounding synths. I have had them for years and use them often. I have had zero problems with these synths, zip, zero, nadda.
I completely agree with you, and for 299 thats a great bargain.
But that doesn’t mean we should pretend they’re identical or there are no corners cut on electronic parts as is implied above, because that’s simply not true.
Zero problems with vintage knockoffs, many many problems with B’s business immoral decisions (sueing, harassing random form users / reporters / companies – thry- ripped off, poor worker conditions etc etc)
that’s the problem
my wife also looks pretty close to Lucy Liu
luckily, the feeling when banging is pretty close to banging a supermodel
I dont care how many wifes or husbands you have banged, I still want this!
This looks quite clever. The biggest challenge is that the panel had to be shrunk to fit Eurorack dimensions and the $299 price point. As a result, the smaller SEM-style knobs have been replaced with plastic volca-style potentiometers. They’re likely to be a common failure point.
there is room for bigger knobs
Oh Lordy!!! I wanted one of these in the early 80’s but college left my piggy bank overdrawn!
So, this is a definite buy for me, like the Proton.
This system is Eurorack friendly too! I have a empty Doepfer mobile rack just itching for modules.
I know there will be a wait! No problems!
Keep’em coming Behringer!!
Please Behringer, provide an update on the VCS3.
It’s funny how b-word fans post comments to preemptively look down their noses at B-word haters/dissenters, even before any such comments have been posted. So, not to disappoint them…
B-word has made another desirable knockoff. They sue and mock their critics, even when the criticism is absolutely fair. They have earned their reputation.
Ah, there he is… loool
Comments from B-Word haters/dissenters are invevitable on this site. This is where all four of them hang out.
Probably true. Most people don’t care about corporate ethics. If cheap synths were made out of fresh crushed baby seals, they’d still buy them. I’m proud to be one of four people who give a $#!+
So… either we’re pro-Music Tribe, or we’re one of four “dissenters?” Sounds a tad Orwellian.
“four legs good, two legs better”
Keep drinking the koolaid TimS, and it will all be alright.
I am not a collector. Instruments/synths are about making music. Tell me where I can get a hardware two-voice SEM synth for this price (something I can afford). Explain to us how wanting this synth is “…drinking the Koolaid…”
Have Behringer sorted out their poly chain issues yet?? Those modules may be of interest to build an 8-voice – if it’s free of hazzles and provide means to control the voice assignments. And – if the sound delivers as promised.. which is yet to determine. Behringer can’t live on the success with the Model D forever – they nailed the sound of the minimoog, but other knockoffs have been a tad off..
I’ve been wondering the same thing. I would love to build an 8 voice polychained SEM clone too, provided Behringer does this synth right.
I have to wonder why Ulinger felt the need to post all of these “announcements” in the last few days? They all amount to a picture of a knockoff prototype, and a promise that it will be available just as soon as they have the parts to make them. Well… obviously.
When your factory is in China, how can you not get parts? Aren’t your knockoff parts made in China too? Something about all of this seems very odd to me.
Also, anyone who thinks a $300 knockoff is going to sound as good as the modern Oberheim’s (selling for $4,000+) is deluding themselves. I’m not saying the Uilinger thing will burst in to flames when you first turn it on, necessarily. Or that you can’t have fun with it. I’m saying there is a reason for the price difference.
Publishing lots of products in a few weeks make a bigger impact.
It’s not about shipping from china, The parts does not exist.
The Marion systems Sem-x was suppose to be 800$ and it’s much more comparable to this one but anyway the price differences will not necessary be something you can hear.
Regarding quality & chip supply:
They cloned the essential chip. Accommodating age of the originals & additional parts required for this build, it ought to sound the same, right?
There’s no reason that over time the build quality won’t improve either, unless I’m naive AF.
Not like I know anything about mass production, but it does seem weird to make these announcements with no video & excuses about chip shortages when your sister company makes low-tech chips. Vapourware?
Factories in China are struggling to get components as mundane as TI voltage regulators and Schottky diodes that are manufactured in countries such as Malaysia and Vietnam. In this case, I suspect one of the key shortages is the ARM microcontroller that provides the brain for the device; the big names like STM, NXP and Microchip are delaying promise dates into 2023. It might also be possible that Coolaudio is having trouble getting analog chips fabbed (custom ICs are typically made on contract by third parties).
The original Model D and Neutron were built around 48 pin NuMicro NUC123 processors with ARM M0 cores that are showing lead times of 36 weeks. I suspect that these new devices are built around something similar.
The chip shortage is attributed by most commenters to three things:
Increased demand for integrated circuits – everything relies on them nowadays, factory capacity is maxed out and it costs billions to open a new plant.
Covid – the pandemic has led to increased demand for home electronics, and it also caused months of production disruptions. As a result of this and the previous point, production can’t get caught up with demand.
US China Trade War – during the Trump administration, the US launched a trade war that added an import tax on component imports from China, and imposed restrictions on China’s largest chip maker, SMIC. Consequences of this are lower global supply and increased overseas demand. These policies haven’t changed under Biden.
And, as frodo pointed out, the shortages aren’t just with integrated circuits but many other basic electrical components.
The ‘chip shortage’ is going to be a real thing for the near future.
Fair points, I’d assumed that Coolaudio makes their chips on site. Their website never explicitly states that, so chances are they’re designing the chip & getting it made elsewhere.
“I have to wonder why Ulinger felt the need to post all of these ‘announcements’ in the last few days?”
Figuring out why Behringer announces things when the do is like reading tea leaves.
Sometimes it’s clear that they make announcements to steal the thunder of other companies or to change the conversation about Behringer. For example – debuting the RD-8 on ‘808 Day’, or timing announcements to coincide with NAMM, which they don’t actually attend.
A lot of times, though, they announce products that they can’t ship, the product photo looks like they put the gear on the floor and took a picture (, and the timing of the announcement seems arbitrary.
It gives them material to file “intent to use” trademark applications.
The reason for the price difference is merely that the originals are rare and collectible. I for one am thankful that those of us with pockets in which we can feel the seam are lucky enough to explore the classic hardware synths that I played with at the music stores in my youth. Buyers of the original say they sound better to justify the astronomical price. Only a blind taste test can reveal the truth.
You can just get a new one, it costs money because it takes time and effort to create such things at the quality they’re made.
Ripping them off, shockingly, does not.
As I understand it, the reissue is a side project that Tom Oberheim started out by literally soldering them in his garage. Now I think there are others involved in the actual assembly.
I guess you could ask him what he thinks of the B clones and their quality and value.
The fact that the originals are rare and collectible is the whole point of knockoffs.
Knockoffs trick you into comparing a Behringer D to a rare vintage keyboard, so you think you’re getting a bargain.
Compare it to something like a Korg Monologue or a BassStation 2 or even one of Behringer’s other synth modules, and you realize it’s priced comparably to similar gear.
With the knockoffs, you get to imagine you’re getting a bargain, but you really get way more bang for the buck with things like the Monologue or BassStation 2.
Nice! Sad to se those tiny knobs though. Using them on my Volca got old really quick.
ill wait till oberheim puts out there eurorack version but if they don’t then. Ill just save my money 🙂
Tom mentioned that he was going to release a eurorack version. But years have passed since then. I suspect this project will never come to fruition which is shame.
I’m amusingly immune to the debate for one main reason: longevity. No gear lasts forever, but a certain amount of B-goods seem to have died prematurely over the years. Their 3-year warranty is laudable, but my name gear has generally lasted 10 years or even more, minor repairs and all.
I want to know how owners of their Poly D feel 10 years from Now, eh? Will those Neutron jacks turn into hash at year 3.4? Will the company fix a synth whose jacks fail at year 2.3?
I’ll grudgingly admit that the demos I’ve heard have been creditable, so use what works for you. I just prefer software now. Over time, its been more gratifying. Besides, teensy controls chap my arse because I have big ol’ scaly monster hands. 😛
I have had one B device (audio interface) die completely after a couple of years, another become marginal due to firmware/driver issues, and a third device (mixer) work just fine for years (though the power supply generates a lot of heat.) Presumably some of their recent synths should have a repair record by now so we can estimate their reliability and longevity.
My vintage Oberheim Matrix-1000 (itself a budget model) works great though the power supply hums (this is acoustic noise not noise on the audio output.)
That being said, cheap clones give you an instrument that you can actually afford and enjoy today.
Is this a Behringer or an Oberheim? I am confused., did Tom design this?
You missed BEHRINGER COPY in the title?
Behringer has never worked with any of the original designers in making their knockoffs.
They did try to steal Oberheim’s trademarks so that they could release counterfeit Oberheim products, but the US Trademark office called them on it and rejected their request.
someone already asked but they definitely need to do a Synthi, like the EMS or AKS because that would sell like crazy and also i want one
THet are doiing a VCS3 clone for sure…
I remember (alert! member berries) in the 80’s I could buy and sell these vintage synths for $100’s of dollars. I am glad I was able to sell my collection in the early 2000’s and put the money towards my retirement fund. I think it is great that Behringer is recreating the classics at an affordable price (yes I own 4 of them). It gives today’s musicians a chance to afford and experience vintage synths like I did. Don’t get me wrong the classic synths are still amazing. Come on! My first synth was a Moog Sonic Six and it cost me around $200 (cutting grass, collecting bottles and pumping gas).
I’m still breathlessly waiting for their mythical EMS VSC-3 clone. We have seen pictures of it. But …tick tock tick tock tick tock…
Virus Please !!!!!!! 😉
Behringer can’t make knockoffs of digital gear (at least not acccurate ones), because the software and samples are copyrighted.
Aren’t they working on a PPG? That’s digital gear.
This bunch of synth releases looks interesting, but why are Behringer not putting out any audio samples? A bunch of front panel photographs aren’t that interesting. All the youtube videos about this are just people reading the synthtopia article and trying to get clicks from talking about synths that don’t have any sound samples available. Kinda cringe, to put it mildly.
thank you for not slagging Behringer with the “knockoff” comment in your article finally.
You mean, it’s so obvious that it’s a knockoff you’d feel it was redundant to mention?
You just proved that it’s the word ‘knockoff’ that triggers Behringer fans, not the word’s meaning.
See the first sentence of this story:
“Behringer today introduced the 2-XM, an inexpensive, unofficial Euro-format copy of the classic Oberheim Two-Voice synthesizer.”
Behringer is laughing out load when people are throwing their morals straight out the window when they uploaded a new photo. They just keep feeding people the cheap stuff and spoil them with maketing so nothing will go unnoticed. Behringer is here for your cheap fix, come and get it!
Not to be condescending, but you do realize that most companies in this world have a goal of making money, right? Behringer is just one of an untold number of companies in the world that do what they can to make a profit, to make more money. If you don’t have products that customers want, you aren’t going to stay in business.
Do you always buy name brand items when you go grocery shopping? You never buy the generic, in-store version of name brand items to get the “cheap fix?”
Exactly how are people here commenting positively about this product “…throwing their morals straight out the window…?”
Here goes another behringer clone war. It’s funny how so many people fail to realize these are not direct clones. Sure they have the same architecture as the synths they are inspired by, but there is a level of circuit design going on here to add patch points, make a keyboardless design etc which builds upon/makes these designs original/unique/whatever you wanna call it. Don’t even begin with intellectual property nonsense either, clones are out there besides the stuff behringer makes… Roland’s SE 02 is basically a minimoog and no one was complaining. Look into the world of eurorack and you can find hundreds of ladder filter, wasp filter, etc clones. If you honestly cared about intellectual property, you better not be using guitar rig, monark, or any other unlicensed emulation plugins or cracked plugins or software.
gahhhh… They are not introducing *anything*. They’re announcing stuff that might make it to production.