Behringer Intros Eurorack Knockoff Of Classic Bode Frequency Shifter

Behringer today announced that its Bode Frequency Shifter 1630, a Euro-format knockoff of the rare Moog Bode Frequency Shifter 1630 module, is now shipping from its factory.

Like the original, the Behringer 1630 is designed to shift the entire frequency spectrum of the source signal from -5 to +5 kHz. Using small shifts, it can create subtle stereo phasing effects, while at large shifts, it can create sonic mayhem.

Behringer says that the circuit design is 100% analog and identical to the original, but the module is designed to be manufactured at a fraction of the cost of a full-size Moog format clone of the original module.

Pricing and Availability:

The Behringer Bode Frequency Shifter 1630 is now shipping to retailers, priced at $149. The company says that it should be available to pre-order soon from retailers, and in stock in 8-16 weeks, depending on their location

20 thoughts on “Behringer Intros Eurorack Knockoff Of Classic Bode Frequency Shifter

  1. a $160 bode frequency shifter is a crazy value, might end up being my first behringer purchase

    I never could’ve imagined this, oogling tiny black and white .gifs of rare vintage Bodes, as a teenager. no one ever seemed interested in producing the weird modules; just a million VCOs and VCFs

    1. That is because it is a very complicated module to build in the analogue world and some of the original components are hard to find. An original goes for about 8000-10000 if one comes available and that is the Moog format. This one is nice too.
      The Synth Werks is 2200 and a COTK is about 1500. The SW is almost a perfect clone.
      The Behringer is a not a complete clone of the Bode FS but still kinda cool to have and play around with.

      1. Ive built a Jurgen Haible and Buchla frequency shifter projects in the past, so I’m aware of their complexity and tedious calibration procedures. Im curious to take a look at the behringer topology and compare it to that of a Bode and see how it differs. I cant imagine someone in the behringer factory is adjusting ALL of those trimpots

        I dont like tonetweakers as they’re definitely part of the Gear inflation cycle. they’ve been buying up people’s cheap used synths for decades, spit shinning them, and selling them back at a thousands of dollars mark up price

    1. The XOAC one is digital. AFAIK a frequency shifter is a really complex circuit, and really hard to do in a clean way in the analog domain. It’s probably better to compare this to the Doepfer frequency shifter, which is also analog. And dirty in a good way.

      1. oh shit thanks for the heads up I never knew it was digital. that’s probably subconsciously
        when I never pulled the trigger im an analog snob. when it comes to hardware :). doepfer one I was interested in until they said that you have to get another module for the down shift. this may be the first Behringer.

      2. Very difficult tobuild and I own a clone by in MU of the Bode. It was $2200 but worth the penny due to the build and the quality of it.

    2. i have the XAOC, it sounds fantastic and the build quality on all their products is top notch and well worth the price. It is proper stereo which is really nice! but it is digital, which i dont see as a downside at all

  2. There is a reason that the original is so rare – other effects were a just lot more useful and more affordable, so this was a commercial failure.

    I’ve used an MU version of this, and it sounds great in a very limited range, but outside of that it’s up there with ring mod, something that you’d use occasionally to add some spice.

    1. Seems like yours is a bit better. I’d keep it if I were you. Buy Behringers if you need several unitsworking at the same time ? I’d like to know : is your Freq shifter stereo ? I’m looking for a freq shifter. Don’t know if it’s stereo. Also, don’t know what CTRLR 1, 2, 3 control. If you can chime in, it’ll be appreciated. Thx

        1. Could you tell me if you hear decisive sound differences between your SW module and the Behringer we hear in the video ? And if differences there are, could you go on explaining what they are ? Thanks 🙂 !! xxxx ( I’m considering buying a pair of SW, and then expand with 4 Behringers down the road).

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