Jomox Intros Eurorack Drum Modules

Jomox has announced a new line of analog drum modules in Eurorack format. The ModBase 09 bass drum modules and Mod.Brane 11 percussion modules are expected to be available in Summer 2013. Additional modules are planned. Here’s what they have to say about the new Euro analog drum modules:

New Drum Synth For Mac, Elecktroid

Audio Spillage has released Elecktroid, a new drum machine for Mac that’s described as ‘a fusion of drum synth and and drum sampler with a custom designed rhythm sequencer.’ Elecktroid blends synthesis and sample playback in a single integrated package.

Applied Acoustics Systems Intros Chromaphone Percussion Synthesizer

Applied Acoustics Systems has introduced Chromaphone, described as a ‘creative percussion synthesizer’ for Mac OS X and Windows. Chromaphone combines ‘acoustic resonators’ to create drums, percussion, mallet, string, and synth-like instruments. Drum skins, bars, marimbas, plates, strings and tubes form pairs that are triggered by a configurable mallet and a flexible noise source. At the… Read More Applied Acoustics Systems Intros Chromaphone Percussion Synthesizer