Moogerfoogers Vs Violin

via reader Chris Stack: Casey Driessen, violinist with Bela Fleck,the Sparrow Quartet and others explores the possibilities of combining violin with Moogerfooger effects at the ExperimentalSynth Studio. The lights and video camera were not set up, but luckily a Droid was handy.

Flutronix – Our New Favorite Electroacoustic Flute Music Supergroup

Reader Geoffrey sends word, via the Submit A Story page, about Flutronix –  a Brooklyn-based electro-acoustic flute duo. Nathalie Joachim and Allison Loggins-Hull, above, make up Flutronix. Their original compositions mix popular, experimental, and contemporary classical music, while using electronics and digital effects. In addition, their repertoire includes Crumb, Reich & Radiohead and they claim Terry Riley and… Read More Flutronix – Our New Favorite Electroacoustic Flute Music Supergroup