Elektron Analog RYTM (HD Audio)


Eli at Austin’s Switched On let us know about this quick demo they made of Elektron’s new drum machine, the Analog Rytm:

During our trip to NAMM 2014 we were allowed some hands on experience with Elektron’s new 8-voice analog drum machine and sampler, the Analog RYTM.

We quickly learned the ropes and began an improv track.
Audio was recorded directly!

They outline these key features:

  • 8 drum voices, each with: Specialized analog percussion sound generator. Sample playback. Analog multimode filter. Analog distortion.
  • 12 velocity & pressure sensitive pads
  • Analog master compressor & distortion
  • Reverb & Delay send FX
  • World class Elektron step sequencer
  • Chromatic, Performance, and Scene modes
  • Performance oriented beat control
  • Individual voice outputs

The Analog Rytm is scheduled to ship by the end of Q1 2014 for US $1549.

Check out the demo video and let us know what you think of it!

41 thoughts on “Elektron Analog RYTM (HD Audio)

  1. $700? Try more than double that. I just never got it, the Sid Station was great…Ive been bored to death of every product Elektron has made since. Personally, Im still high off the Volcas. So hows everyone liking the Volca’s now that theyre out and about a bit more?

    1. you would need a shitload of external processors to even get close to the mad flexibility and fun of this machine.
      i find everyone who calls elektron machines boring a really retarded person because i have never come across anything (except maybe some old modular-ish gear) that offers more intuitive,logical and flexible approach to both synthesis and sequencing. Then off to call volcas being the medicine. Even as i dont think of volcas as toys the comparison between them and this makes them look like toys. You are just a foolish newbie.

  2. I’m more excited by Arturia Spark 2, especially as I own Spark and it’s a free upgrade….small hardware drum machines and sequencers really need to come down in cost OR be battery powered (like my op-1) to compete with the likes of Spark, Tremor, Guist and Maschine – if I have to be plugged in, I’m probably near my laptop…..

  3. fair price for that hardware, filters, FX, compression, etc, and it being an 100% analog gear. no comparsion to volcas when looking at the possibilities…

  4. as an ex analogue skeptic, I would tell you to spend a couple quality months working with analogue synths and machines…after this I bet you all these plugin emulations will just make you sick.

  5. What a letdown! Some schmoe button mashing on a beat box? My 4 year old son could have produced a more coherent demo than that. Sheesh…

  6. Ahahah…the best moment has to be when he records something with amzing pad skills around 1:30, the quantized version of this crap is the machine laughing at him…how horrible is that pattern!!!!!!!
    By the way a machines with decent pads that quantize on 16 steps!!!! I hope you can turn off that, also on other videos this thing sounds like beast.

    1. it has micro timing. so yeah i imagine not only can you simply turn it off completly, you can fine tune the triggers in the sequencer. which im veeeeerrry excited for. now i dont have to midi out of my octa track to get those strange and interesting swing paterns on my MD

  7. “During our trip to NAMM 2014 we were allowed some hands on experience with Elektron’s new 8-voice analog drum machine and sampler, the Analog RYTM.”

    Can u guys read they prob had 10 minutes to play with the thing and record something if this machine is anything like any other elektron machine it will take months to begin to master. The os is still in its first stage, and you can bet as said in the sonic state interview this machine will be perfected over the. Coming years though update. A flexible, powerful and intlegent drum machine is what the synthopians wanted and here’s it is. This will b on my shopping list

    1. I get you, but whatever crappy sound is the machine playing when they pass it to you, you start building something from the 3-4 decent a rythm that make sense and go from there.
      Then what its gonna be, analog parameters on first page, sample in 2nd, some filter and distortion 3rd, maybe effects after, and modulation page in the end. Something like that…with paramter locks that work the same as all other machines.
      We’re having a laugh, maybe the guy didn’t wake up yet and they give hiim this to play and he makes crap with it and that’s it.

    2. after spending god knows on the cutting edge video to promote it you think they would have some public relations policy to prevent what I would call the law of first appearances taking effect

  8. With all the hype and teaser marketing Elektron does, you’d think they’d have some proper demos ready to go and up on their website by the time NAMM comes around. Letting people with no experience programming the machine be the first impression most people have of the unit probably isn’t the best way to showcase these things.

    1. As in, they ran cables “directly” from the drum machine into the camera, as opposed to using the camera’s built-in mic to “indirectly” record the sound of the drum machine connected to speakers.

  9. Huh, that sure sounds disappointing to me. I’m a fan of the Machinedrum sound (though not it’s interface) but that demo sounds so flat and lifeless. The cheap mfb 522 sounds way better to me.

  10. Got a one-on-one demo and hands on with this box today. There is a lot going on inside – analog overdrive, fx, great sound, multi-mode filter. The UI is organized well for quick pattern building and it all comes together nicely. The build is solid, too.

    So, yeah, $1500 gets you one hell of a musical instrument.

  11. Individual outs makes me very happy. Looking forward to seeing it released and hooked up to other analog gear. My Sherman Filterbank works very nicely with the Analog 4. I think i found a decent drum machine to help break free from too much computer sequencing and compliment my rig.

  12. all demos are wank. it lets you know is the skill of the person making it. if you want to waste time not making music and watching videos instead, whatev, but let’s stop pretending they’re educational.

    you’re either going to make it work whatever it is, because you’re a talented musician, or you’re going to read the manual and figure it out. 🙂 or possible just run it through a ton of nice effects boxes! 🙂

    the sonic state reviews are good, you can get an idea of the interface and build quality.

    think about it, how many musicians make demos?

    here’s a good one:


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