XILS Intros Vocoder 5000 – ‘The Organic Vocoder’


XILS-Lab has introduced Vocoder 5000 – a new software vocoder, for Mac & Windows.

Vocoder 5000 is inspired by the EMS Flagship Vocoder ( EMS 5000 -1976, one of the most complex and powerful analog vocoders ever built). 


  • Authentic emulation of the most complex Analog Vocoder ever produced
  • Organic and realistic sound with clear and understandable Vocoding
  • Hundreds of midi automatable parameters
  • Frequency Bands Pin Matrix, genuine analog oscillators, 0df Filters, Pitch Shifter
  • The ‘true sound of analog Vocoders’

Audio demos are available at the XILS-Lab site.

Vocoder 5000 is available now. From December 23th and January 17th, it will be priced at 99€. After January 17th, 2015, it will be 149€.

15 thoughts on “XILS Intros Vocoder 5000 – ‘The Organic Vocoder’

  1. My question is simply “How useful is ANY vocoder?” Its nature demands a harmonically-rich signal or it goes thin quickly. That limits how often you can apply it without having the cliche of it bite you in the arse. “Vocoder” these days is a simple vintage nod way down the patch list of advanced boxes like Lexicon’s. It can be done well; its just not common enough to make it stand out as a hot item to crave. Vocal processing has advanced past the need for it. Its a second-cousin to playing that “Lucky Man” square-wave glide and having everyone turn and give you the Stinkeye. I’m not totally knocking vocoders, either. I once owned a Korg DVP-1 and it made a place for itself. Just take some time to think it through. Also, iLoks should be eaten by C’thulu.

  2. How does software become organic? Great to see apple users venting their frustrations, is this not blasphemy?
    The recent roland vocoder is really good.
    The marketing for this software is cringe worthy.

  3. Why all the current hate on iLok? It used to be terrible way back in the day… but fast forward to present day and you’ll find the software is solid and stable. Granted, I’d prefer no DRM in all cases, but that’s just not the reality of it. Since many manufacturers still decide to use copy-protection, I’d rather use a system that is universal and only requires a single dongle instead of each company producing their own system with yet another USB key…

    1. Here are my reasons for not supporting iLok or other super restrictive protections:
      1. I don’t want the reliability of all my software dependent on a single usb key that can be corrupted easily or lost.
      2. I don’t want to pay extra for the key.
      3. I don’t want to waste a usb port.
      4. More effective software solutions exist that are easier on the end user.

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