DAW-Free Electronic Music Recording With Cakefolder

Cakefolder (Sam Di Nitride) has released a new album, Possibilities, that explores working within the limitation of performing everything live, using Korg Volca boxes and an Electribe 2.

Each of the tracks was recorded live, on video, in the studio.

“I went for a DAW-free music production process and videoed myself doing the performances,” he notes. “Some of the songs are proper song format with vocalists. They get to perform via triggered samples.”

The above video captures the recording of Boom cracker.

Here’s a video intro to the album:

Here’s what he has to say about his recording process:

I was jamming away on my Electribe in my home studio at the weekend, and my son came in to see what all the noise was about. He then started improvising some ‘vocals’ along with my jam, so I popped some headphones on his head and then recorded his voice as a dry vocal, loaded that up into my Volca sample.

Later that evening I recorded the audio and video as a live studio recording and there it was – another track for my album of live studio jams!

The whole album was created in February as part of the annual RPMchallenge.

Technical info:

For the whole album I’ve used a computer-free setup: Korg Electribe 2, Korg Volca Sample, Korg Volca Bass, Korg Volca Keys, Korg Volca Beats, Korg Monotribe, Korg Monotron Delay, Behringer UMA25S midi keyboard, Behringer Xenyx 802 mixer.

The entire live album, Possibilities, is available on iTunes, Amazon and other online music sites.

14 thoughts on “DAW-Free Electronic Music Recording With Cakefolder

  1. This is my current setup as of a month ago. Boss Rc 505 looper, mpc 1000, sp 404 and an ipad with my op1 as a MIDI keyboard as well as multiple synths. Its so gratifying to record 5 tracks into the looper then just arrange that way. Finally got rid of beatmakers block with constant computer limbo. Work on a computer from 9-5 then come home to the beast, its painful. Now the music flows so easily with natural rhythms looped. Aint going to win a grammy but its definitely satisfying.

    1. I do a live setup too. I also hate working on my computer to make music. I record everything to a digital recorder, and do a quick master in Ableton.

    1. Seems to be IKEA. Those shelves are though out for shoes, or something. Very adjustable and you can add lots of shelves on the same poles.

  2. What’s special about this? Thousands of electronic artists post better songs than this with the same method on YouTube every day.

    1. It’s special in that it uses volcas and electribe, by this guy. He had fun making it, and it was fun to listen to.

      Don’t be such a buzzkill, we’re all here to make music and have a good time doing it. I enjoyed the video and music! Made me want to get my volca beats out and let loose.

      Thousands of musicians write compositions on paper using the same method and print that every day too. Some better than others. Who cares, it’s meaningful to somebody if it’s being done.

  3. the e2 is super useful as a control center, even if you don’t use it exclusively, for stuff like volcas and pocket operators it is great because if you go midi out>splitter volcas Pulse out>POs and USB sync external and just plug the whole mess into a DAW and it syncs with pretty low stress – I have used it that way live and it is super simple to set up

  4. Interesting method, stepping away from the comfort of structure found in a DAW in favor of the more organic, natural chance for inspiration that comes with live performance. I wonder what it would be like if more artists known for their work in a DAW tried this out. Thanks for sharing!

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