U.D.O Super 6 Review

In this video, synthlegends takes an in-depth look at the new U.D.O. Super 6 Binaural Synthesizer.

Topics covered:

1. Oscillator Section
2. Binaural Mode
3. Voice Assign
4. Filter Section
5. Chorus and Delay
6. LFO 1 and FM
7. Envelopes
8. Sound Demo and tweaking
9. Conclusion and Recommendation

Everything was recorded live, without any mastering, FX, outboard or plugins.

Video Summary:

“I can recommend the Super 6 as a very great sounding synth with a lot of character. It is quite unique and I would say, its a boutique synth, not comparable in this respect with the Novation Summit. Its all about the sound, the Binaural Mode is nice to have but not a killer feature to get the Super 6. The most advantages are the great GUI, nice modulation possibilities and its creativity potential for modern style electronic music.”

If you’ve used the Super 6, leave a comment and share your thoughts on it!

19 thoughts on “U.D.O Super 6 Review

  1. yes i am very desirous of any of the new synths in the 2k-3k range… nearly all of them are incredibly interesting and sound amazing

    id love to have a giant studio full of awesome keyboards like that, it seems super fun

      1. I thik the same as ed-Anger´s coment. “Substance” are based on lack of features for the price. If yo compare FPGA Waldorf Kyra VS UDO specs kicks on the ass UDO synth. Are expensive, very for what you get.

        1. Kyra is digital and keyboardless so it’s not comparable. Just because they both use FPGA doesn’t say anything. there are many features on the UDO6 that are missing on the Kyra.

          Even compered to the Quantum, it’s also only 8 voice. The UDO is 12 voice (12 VCF/12VCA) and cost is the same or even more.

          No substance because you don’t really know what all that involve, The cost of the parts, Manufacturing and so on.

          I think you are just easy to judge what is beyond your reach

  2. Sounds like a good poly synth should. Not blown away by the sound, and the visual design is a bit off putting. Personally, I’m only investing in hardware instruments that push expressive capabilities, that’s why I’m an early adopter of the Osmose.

    1. And just because it is within someones financial reach, it does not mean it is inexpensive. There is a notion of what is constitutes a value proposition. Personally, I am not interested in this synth due the omission of some critical features, however price-wise it is in the upper 20% of synth prices currently available.

      1. “Expensive” is purely subjective term.
        Calling it expensive is coming mostly from the jealousy you can’t afford it and most of the “explanation” people give based on nothing (cost of manufacturing) or a feature they got use to and think every synth should have.

        I for example want to send an LFO to every knob on the front panel at once and with different intensities, This synth does that, most other don’t.

        1. Gadi people don´t undestand about cost of manufacturing o easy coments like ” Can´t afford” or “jelousy” Jelouse of what? There are a bunch o very complex and full of specs synths for the price of this FPGA insipid synth. So for many of us is expensive and having the money will be my last purchase option. That´s all

          1. It’s just more excuse for saying things that are not based on nothing. It’s a fun game, commenting what ever comes to mind without any experience in designing, manufacturing or even using the actual product. Most people who say that didn’t even read the manual.

            “They are both FPGA so let’s compere them, Yes. this one is expensive”

            It’s a very shallow judgment.

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