Can George W. Bush Be Gone Soon Enough?

We try to avoid politics at Synthtopia, because we’d rather be thinking about patching a synthesizer than thinking about patching up the country. 

We know you don’t come to Synthtopia to read about politics – you may even come to the site to escape it for a while. 

But – can George W. Bush be gone soon enough?

Bush’s legacy to his country will be 8 years of incompetent administration, the worst deficits in history and laying waste to traditional Republican values.

You might think that music and musicians could escape George W. Bush, but no. 

Massive Attack has publicly condemned the use of their music by the Bush administration as a tool for interrogation and torture.

Nine Inch Nails’ Trent Reznor has just made this statement, Regarding NIN music used at Guantanamo Bay for torture:

It’s difficult for me to imagine anything more profoundly insulting, demeaning and enraging than discovering music you’ve put your heart and soul into creating has been used for purposes of torture.

If there are any legal options that can be realistically taken they will be aggressively pursued, with any potential monetary gains donated to human rights charities.

Thank GOD this country has appeared to side with reason and we can put the Bush administration’s reign of power, greed, lawlessness and madness behind us.

When news like this comes out, you realize that you can’t ignore it, compartmentalize it or think that this stuff won’t affect what you do. 

George W. Bush has bought the domain name for his Presidential library back from cybersquatters – so lets hope that he gets to work on patching up his legacy, so we can think about patching up ours.

35 thoughts on “Can George W. Bush Be Gone Soon Enough?

  1. “We know you don’t come to Synthtopia to read about politics – you may even come to the site to escape it for a while. ”

    I agree with that.

  2. Amen

    Bush’s 8 years haven’t helped anybody but the oil companies and Osama Bin Laden!

    yugster – why do so many conservatives think Bush was a mistake?

  3. yeah, you’re right… I don’t come here for politics.

    I love trent, but I really don’t give a shit about his personal politics. His introspective side is great, but I think he’s way to black and white partisan. Anyone with a republican tag is an evil, racist, oil-thirsty, warmonger to Trent, which is unfortunate because I thought a man who was so intelligent would be able to transcend idiotic partisanship.

    I appreciate the blog, but I agree with gmuller that it’s come to a point where I find my visits here pointless.

  4. Don’t worry – your Lord and Savior takes office on January 20th – then all of the world’s problems will end and everyone will be happy and in love.

    Just be patient.

  5. Don’t worry – your Lord and Savior takes office on January 20th – then all of the world’s problems will end and everyone will be happy and in love.

    Just be patient.

  6. yo!! i have a seat to sell on jan 20th… call my office in Ill..ask for Rod.. or better yet go to and leave a message to Rham.. he has the best deal the FBI can confirm it

    I’m ssoooooooo glad bush and aliburton are we can start anew..with new scandals.. i can’t wait…

  7. I cannot believe that this item is posted and no one can come up with a
    better reaction than pointless rhetoric – Does anyone care that our government is endorsing torture? Has the Geneva Convention gone out the window? It severely disappoints me to think that we are so desperate in our “war on terror” that we have allowed ourselves to sink down to the same level as our enemies. A secondary point I want to make is that Massive Attack’s music obviously went ‘over their heads’ if they used it for torture. I listen to Massive Attack to chill out. If I were to torture someone I would make them listen to Coheed & Cambria or Bonde Do Role’ (not recommended).

  8. St. B

    I think a lot of time people get caught up in a knee-jerk red vs blue reaction whenever it comes to anything political.

    Does it matter who is using music to torture people?

    I think a lot of people would argue that it’s OK for us, but not for osama bin laden, or that loud music can’t really be torture.

    I’d disagree with that though.

  9. “It severely disappoints me to think that we are so desperate in our “war on terror” that we have allowed ourselves to sink down to the same level as our enemies”

    …i think the war on terror does not exist. it was created by bush to push ppl to buy more Massive Attack’s albums..Mark my word Gitmo will be closed withing 2 weeks of the O’s gouv. All those “fake terrorists” will be judged in a civilian court and will be freed as it will be fact those poor ppl were tortured to save those so called “US military targets”, the real terrorists in fact.
    Since most likely their countries of origin never heard of the Geneva convention, as a way more civilized country, the USA will provide All ex Gitmoers shelter, thank to the new administration. A lawyer will be provided to them for free if the tress of Massive Attack’s music is played on any american radio.

    Welcome to the USA – Now Most loved country in the World starting Jan 20th…… 🙂

  10. The family members of all of the people who were murdered by George W. Bush must be “glad Bush is done” (Poll: 75% Glad Bush is done). For example, Mike Connell (indicated below), and more than 4,000 U.S. service members were murdered by Bush.

    “Bush Insider Who Planned To Tell All Killed In Plane Crash: Non-Profit Demands Full Federal Investigation . . . WASHINGTON, Dec. 20 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Michael Connell, the Bush IT expert who has been directly implicated in the rigging of George Bush’s 2000 and 2004 elections, was killed last night when his single engine plane crashed three miles short of the Akron airport. Velvet Revolution (‘VR’), a non-profit that has been investigating Mr. Connell’s activities for the past two years, can now reveal that a person close to Mr. Connell has recently been discussing with a VR investigator how he can tell all about his work for George Bush. Mr. Connell told a close associate that he was afraid that George Bush and Dick Cheney would ‘throw [him] under the bus’” (Posted by Curly. (2008, December 22). Witness to Bush Crimes Dies Under Fascinating Coincidence. Retrieved December 26, 2008, from

    “Michael Connell Cancelled Two Flights on Suspicion his Plane may be SABOTAGED !!!” (Retrieved December 26, 2008, from

    “Bush Whistleblower[,] [Mike Connell,] Killed In Mysterious Plane Crash” (Zharkov. Retrieved December 26, 2008, from

    “The death of Republican ‘IT guru’ Mike Connell last Friday in a fiery plane crash has been the subject of intense speculation online about whether it might have been murder. . . . ‘Some say Connell was about to reveal embarrassing details involving senior members of the Bush Administration,’ Taylor explained, ‘including their involvement in destroying incriminating emails and rigging elections. . . . He was an experienced pilot. Was it an accident, or murder?’ . . . A tipster close to the McCain campaign disclosed to VR in July that Mr. Connell’s life was in jeopardy and that Karl Rove had threatened him and his wife” (David Edwards and Muriel Kane. (2008, December 23). Ohio TV station: Was Connell crash an accident or murder? Retrieved December 26, 2008, from

    “I believe Mike Connell was murdered” (Barbtries. Retrieved December 26, 2008, from

    “What I believe is that the Bushies killed [Mike Connell]” (Barbtries. Retrieved December 26, 2008, from

    Submitted by Andrew Yu-Jen Wang
    B.S., Summa Cum Laude, 1996
    Messiah College, Grantham, PA
    Lower Merion High School, Ardmore, PA, 1993


  11. The bottom line is Bush has done more for the third world countries in Africa than any other leader in history. If you don’t believe this, simply do some research, but please don’t refute this fact with mindless arguing generated from your own ignorance of what has been going on the past 8 years. Do I think he was a superior president? No. But, the bottom line is we haven’t been attacked again since 9/11, the economy didn’t start to slide until the Democrats took over congress ~ 2 yrs or so ago, and he has re-positioned our country as a power to be respected. Who cares if we’re liked…. we’re safe, and that’s what matters most.

    I find it very disappointing that this website has gone down this path. It seems obvious there is an agenda to posing this question, which is entirely inappropriate for synthtopia. I always thought this site was focused on music. I have been proven wrong.

  12. What bitches are these chickenheads who are offended that sythtopia started a politically driven forum. You saw the title and clicked on it, you could have looked at the gigamongous mpc. but your eyes have been scarred like a child’s interrupting his parents and 2 fifty year old stripper clowns.

  13. The Obama administration will be more covert and war-like than Bush. They will just be more in the shadows. We will be hit again and probably by one of the animals that will be freed from Gitmo. Just like Clinton strong armed Israel into releasing prisoners (Namely Mohammed Atta) One of the Gitmo detainees will kill a bunch of Americans and the people who had to have the Socialist in power will scratch their empty heads and wonder why they just don’t like us infidels. We will just talk with them, they will like us.

  14. Remember Carnivore, Echelon and Rendition (Clinton’s torture program) are ALL products of the Clinton Administration. Liberals only hear what they want to hear, and will squash all other free speech to get their views
    across. If Czar Obama wants it then it will be OK. Don’t the Libs want and end to all war…. Why is Barry building up 30000 troops in Afghanistan? hmmmm but that’s perfectly OK.

  15. “Whatever will liberals do when George W. Bush is no longer around to blame everything on?”

    LOL.. that’s an ez one: they will still blame ..bush..of course

  16. Please do not critize Mr. B. you can get to prison for the rest of your life, you can savely say that putin is unfriendly, but pleaes DON”T say you did not like Mr. B.

    Do not make peace songs, i have seen a singer going to jail for it, here in the netherlands they hate jews and he said he was against nazi’s unfortunately the police man was a real nazi and Mr. B. visited the netherlands and he put a H behind the letters BUS on the streets where Bus cars have to drive, you can get lethal injection for it.

    Mr. B. is a GOD here. One bad word and you ARE UNLUCKY POLITICAL PRISONER.

    They really hate jews here, very sad…


  17. Very sad message, they have attacked jewish synagoges, those Mr. B. people again..

    It happens all the time, now they threw molotov coctails, being a JEW is a severe crime in the Netherlands, i am one too, was tortured by the police for 3 years, cause i said B-u-s was a NAZI i was arrested on liberation day on the 5th of may, B-u-s- was laying flowers near a extremely large funeral place with thousands of graves, and he was saying he liberated us from the nazi’s but b-u-s killed over 1 milion people, and i wanted peace, but i am a jew, …

    sorry i am a jew, they hate us every day the police came destroying our church, throwing molotov coctails, …

    look on youtube how one day a whole city block simply disappeared, 23 people dead… A big company (american) wanted to have those people properties, and they killed them for that.

    Now the police there has become very rich, the police here is a share holders company..

    Sorry hope you understand

    just look they hate jews really hard…

  18. Did i miss something? Wasn’t this about a firecracker factory exploding? Also, if you have to apologize for the religion you’re in, maybe you should consider another. It really is that simple. Might i recommend the church of the sine wave? After all, it is the true voice of god(s). Your ears won’t lie. Not like those heathen FM~onites!

  19. Speaking of George W. Bush:

    George W. Bush committed hate crimes of epic proportions and with the stench of terrorism (indicated in my blog).

    George W. Bush did in fact commit innumerable hate crimes.

    And I do solemnly swear by Almighty God that George W. Bush committed other hate crimes of epic proportions and with the stench of terrorism which I am not at liberty to mention.

    Many people know what Bush did.

    And many people will know what Bush did—even to the end of the world.

    Bush was absolute evil.

    Bush is now like a fugitive from justice.

    Bush is a psychological prisoner.

    Bush has a lot to worry about.

    Bush can technically be prosecuted for hate crimes at any time.

    In any case, Bush will go down in history in infamy.

    Submitted by Andrew Yu-Jen Wang
    B.S., Summa Cum Laude, 1996
    Messiah College, Grantham, PA
    Lower Merion High School, Ardmore, PA, 1993

    I am not sure where I had read it before, but anyway, it is a linguistically excellent statement, and it goes kind of like this: “If only it were possible to ban invention that bottled up memories so they never got stale and faded.” Oh wait—off the top of my head—I think the quotation came from my Lower Merion High School yearbook.

  20. Why make a fuss about Bush??? Obama has quadrupled the nations deficit and turned the US completely to the left. Bush had a war and the 9/11 attack on his hands and still spent 4 times less than Obama. Obama is dragging our country down to the depths of racial unrest and democratic liberalism. God help the USA

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