Low-Gain Electronic Announces Two Thousand Six Hundred ARP 2600 Clones


Low-Gain Electronics has announced that it is offering a ‘build commission service’ for the Two Thousand Six Hundred (ARP 2600 clone) project.

The Two Thousand Six Hundred is a diy 2600 clone. Low-Gain is offering fully assembled clones, in two options:

  • One is the desktop case shown above.
  • The other is a portable suit case style case with handle and lid.

According to Low-Gain, the 2600 clone ‘will be built to look like the classic 2600, but will protect your 2600 much better than the original.”

Price for the assembled Two Thousand Six Hundred synthesizers is US $3,500. See the Low-Gain site for details.

27 thoughts on “Low-Gain Electronic Announces Two Thousand Six Hundred ARP 2600 Clones

    1. No need to cry. The total build cost is supposed to be around $1000 (not including a case) if you get the pcb, parts and panel and then build it yourself.

  1. Given that a used ARP 2600 sells for upwards of $8000 on ebay these days, a clone at around $2500 built and new would be a sweet deal. Assuming one has $2500 to spend of course πŸ˜‰

      1. To be clear this is NOT my project. I’m simply offering to build it for people who aren’t into the DIY thing. The original designer of the TTSH is Zthee from TheHumanComparator.net

        1. While i’m on that point, I made that clear on my website that it isn’t my project from the
          beginning. The “media” has made an error in reporting and it’s clearly gotten out of control.

  2. Very friendly of lowgain to promote their service with a copied (stolen) foto without permission to use it.

    Also selling without knowing what the cost of a kit will be, i find this way of doing business a bit aggressive,

    Defenitely not going to make use of them.

    1. Yeesh, kind of a harsh comment over one photo. I’ve always found LowGain to be a great guy and the mixer module by him that I own has really good sound quality. This is definitely more than I’d spend on a synth, but if I was going to do it, I’d trust him to do it right.

  3. It’s not just that..

    Someone is offering his services with a foto which is not his but also making a big promotion from it by putting it here on this site while the kit is not even available yet.

    Also, information about the true master behind all this is to be found somewhere between the replies.

    Quite disgusting the way this goes.

    1. Not sure where you’re coming from on this one, Freddy.

      A lot of us have been following the TTSH project and think it’s very interesting, and manufacturers offering pre-built versions should be a win for anybody interested in the project.

      Synthtopia covered the TTSH for months: https://www.synthtopia.com/content/2013/05/10/two-thousand-six-hundred-synthesizer-project/

      The kit version is expected to be 1000 without case.http://thehumancomparator.net/

      The TTSH developer isn’t planning to offer pre-built versions, but supports it and there’s a thread discussing it at Muffwigglers: http://www.muffwiggler.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=96003

      Do you have a past with Low Gain or an axe to grind with him? If he’s got a history of being slow to deliver or something like that, it would be good to discuss factual reasons for being skeptical, so the people can make educated buying decisions. I can’t see anybody dropping $3,500 in full until a synth is ready to ship, though, no matter who you’re buying it from.

  4. @Freddy A lot of people really wanted Two Thousand Six Hundred (2600 clone) machines but are not skillful with a soldering iron. For them, this is great news, someone known in the community, with a reputation, saying he will construct one for you. This machine has already been mentioned on Synthtopia more than once, months ago, including links to the person developing it, so that is not news. The fact that Low-Gain will build one for you is a recent development, hence it is news. So I don’t get what you’re complaining about in the least. Are you mad that you missed the previous posts?

  5. I question his ability to provide the product on time – check muffwiggler for details – I have seen instances where his poject were delayed weeks/months for various reasons…

    While his Euro module are OK and I do not doubt his skills, he seems to drag his feet when doing these DIY projects. He’s using ‘your’ money to build these – I really wonder when they will actually be done…

  6. One of the biggest problems with the ARP 2600 from what I’ve read was keeping it in tune. If this is a straight up clone then isn’t it going retain the same problems the original had? I’d give up a small amount of authenticity for reliability. Also, would probably be nice to have it outfitted with MIDI if only for note on/off. A couple modern conveniences I think would make it a much stronger sell.

  7. I tend to agree. I’ve owned two ARP2600’s in my life and in terms of temperament and stability they make my minimoog look docile. Almost playful…. aren’t you, you cute little thing. Sit… roll over….

  8. I think this is a great idea and service for those of us who want a 2600 clone and don’t want to risk screwing things up in the assembly process. One question though: does the LowGain-assembled version come with any kind of a warranty?

  9. The ARP 2600 is a piece of gear that I have lusted after for decades. I missed a chance to buy one in mint condition in the early 80s for 500 bucks. The cause of that missed oppotunity has long since been divorced, but the used price has gotten stupid over the years. When you see the originals going for 8-12 thousand dollars just stop for a moment and think about the stack of DotCom/MU modules you could build for that.

    Now, given that this clone is downsized and uses mini jacks, consider the euro modules that you could put together for 3,500 bucks. I think you could do something that would far outstrip the 2600 in capability.

    When I first saw this thing I was very gung-ho to buy the kit and a soldering iron and have at it. But I have to admit that my skills are not equal to the task. I also have to admit that the three rack frames I have stuffed with modules already, in some ways, surpasses the original 2600 in firepower. Over the years I am finally learning to be more logical about gear acquisition.

    If this thing had showed up 2 years ago, when I was just thinking about starting a modular, I would have jumped all over it.

  10. The one question I have is if the designer used the same opamps for things like the lag, inverters and other voltage processors.
    The reason being is that the original LM301 opamps would add an offset voltage and thus put things out of tune.
    Newer opamps would provide the same exact functions minus these troublesome voltage offsets.
    Even having special 40ohm speakers made like the originals is possible.

    So… is this a clone of a 2600 warts and all or did they apply any of the knowledge compiled over the last 30+ years to fix up some of the inherent problems?

    Finally, powering all of those LED slider lamps adds up in current.
    That current is converted to heat unless the power supply is much better.
    So, did they use the original power supply design or a better one.
    If the former, much more heat can build up inside and cause tuning problems.
    If the latter, it’s not an original copy.
    Which is it?

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