Rudess Introduces GeoEncabulator

Synthesist Jordan Rudess has announced the GeoEncabulator – a new take on waveguide synthesis that takes magneto-reluctance digital modeling technology to the next level.

Here’s what Rudess has to say about GeoEncabulator:

Since 1943, work has been proceeding, in order to bring perfection to the crudely conceived idea of a waveguide that that would not only supply inverse reactive current for use in unilateral phase detractors, but would also be capable of automatically synchronizing cardinal grammeters. This technology has now been fully realized as a musical instrument using discrete time digital filters. Such an instrument is the GeoEncabulator

Now basically the only new principle involved, is that instead of sound being generated by the relative motion of conductors and fluxes, it is now produced by a digital simulation, a model if you will, of the modial interaction of magneto-reluctance and capacitive diractance.

The original turbo encabulator’s base plate of pre-famulated amulite surmounted by a malleable logarithmic casing is now implemented using an inutile skeuomorphic interface. The two spurving bearings that were in a direct line with the panametric fan, are now realized using a pair of cascaded second order biquadratic filter sections.

The former consisted simply of six hydrocoptic marzlevanes, which are now digital waveguides. There is no longer a need for an ambifacient lunar waneshaft and side fumbling has been fully eliminated.

The GeoEncabulator has now reached a high level of development, and it’s being successfully used in the operation of nofer trunnions.

10 thoughts on “Rudess Introduces GeoEncabulator

  1. Sorry, but this is clearly nothing more than an April Fools’ joke. As far as I know, nobody has ever managed to solve the problem of perpendicular cross-diractance across the differentiable discontinuity in the P-Z curve, and certainly not for the complex component of the signal coefficient. As it stands, the negative feedback will continue to increase to the point where the electron flux switches polarity and the whole system breaks down.

  2. In the lab, the Douglas rod and Knipling pin failures often cause catastrophic disencabulation, which is not pretty, but does generate a pleasing tone as the gaussian wave detractors deteriorate into amblivience.

  3. It’s fine to bring new things out, but i am still waiting that you fix the problems with your early samoler app. I wrote to you, no answer. It seems you aren’t interested. I use sind that other and better working apps that runs staple an were I get support. I will never ever buy Rudess stuff again…

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