AudioThing Noises Offers A ‘Twisted Rainbow Of Sound’

AudioThing, in collaboration with synthesist Hainbach, has introduced a new audio plugin that delivers a “twisted rainbow of sound”.

Noises is the fourth plugin they’ve developed with German composer Hainbach. He crafted hundreds of recordings of rare vintage measurement and tape equipment, analog synths, strange field recordings, electro-acoustic and magnetic field experiments, and more in his lab to create this creative noise instrument. It is designed to be fast and inspiring to use, with a big dial at its center inviting you to search for sounds and a sequencer to make them music.

Here’s an in-depth look:

Official audio demos:

Pricing and Availability

Noises is available now for Mac & Windows for 45 EUR, normally 69 EUR.

7 thoughts on “AudioThing Noises Offers A ‘Twisted Rainbow Of Sound’

  1. love watching Hainbach’s videos, but I’ve never had a use for any of the plugins he’s helped design. (They’re very cool, just not my thing.) This one, though, seems too awesome to pass up. Bravo, Hainbach!

    1. The tape looper Gauss is pretty fun to mess around with. Surprised at how many loopers are out there but none simulate the tape looping effect, at least not well. Pitch shifting, artifacts, overdubs on reversed and slowed down audio. The closest is Audio Damages Enso and that does a bunch of stuff that complicates such an easy and simplistic recording process.
      I did purchase Wires last week and Textures. Both great. I’d purchase this but ive been really digging into Bitwigs native devices and it sort of covers a lot. Even with the multiband separater, I’ve been getting really interesting results with multi FX of multiple bands and even modulating the bands. FYI, Bitwig is nuts.

  2. Delia Derbyshire in a box, sort of. Its a great time to be an “avant-garde” type (whatever that really means now) because you can cover a hangar full of vintage hardware like industrial oscillators with a few plug-ins.

    Its not really aimed at me. Its fairly easy to recreate sounds like these with most synths. I lean more towards wandering through key places with a digital recorder and mooshing the results around in my sampler.

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