The Beatdown Step Sequencer For Akai APC40

Sonic Faction has introduced The Beatdown & The Beatdown Step Sequencer for the Akai APC40 and Ableton Live. This custom device comes with the Beatdown library and lets you program beats and note velocities,while saving and recalling patterns in realtime. It also features realtime looping, FX and groove manipulation for killer live performances.

Does This Laser-Controlled Musical Church Satisfy Your Need For Audio-Visual Nihilism?

Archifon is a big interactive virtual musical instrument, created by The Macula Project, originally made for the Olomouc Baroque de-baptized chapel. Architectural elements within the chapel are turned into laser-controlled triggers by mapping a virtual surface to the chapel’s interior. Up to ten visitors at a time can interact with the Archifon through the laser pointers.… Read More Does This Laser-Controlled Musical Church Satisfy Your Need For Audio-Visual Nihilism?

Patchable Modular Controller, mNodes, Lets You ‘Patch’ Software

Reader Jinku sent word of mNodes – a patchable modular controller which is controller by physical patch cords and knobs. mNodes connects to your computer, via USB, and lets you create and manipulate software ‘patches’. In this video demonstration, mNodes is used with Supercollider and Max/MSP. mNodes can be used with MaxMsp/Jitter, Ableton Live, cSound and… Read More Patchable Modular Controller, mNodes, Lets You ‘Patch’ Software