Analogue Solutions Vostok Matrixsynth v2 Modular Suitcase Synthesizer (Demo)

Synthtopia reader Jason sent word of this extended look at the Analogue Solutions Vostok Matrixsynth v2 synthesizer. This demo features a variety of sound types and sequences (traditional and non-traditional) demonstrating the Vostok’s sound palette and variety of timbres. All sounds, with exception of the obvious acoustic drums (used for context), are created on the Vostok… Read More Analogue Solutions Vostok Matrixsynth v2 Modular Suitcase Synthesizer (Demo)

Tara Says Buy My Box Set And I’ll Send You A Personal Polaroid! Meow!

Synthtopia regular, blogger, remixer and synth geek chanteuse Tara Busch sends word about a very cool limited edition box set of her debut album, Pilfershire Lane: Maf (Lewis) & I were given the freedom to fill the box with whatever our hearts could dream up. As the album was complete, Maf let rip his exquisite… Read More Tara Says Buy My Box Set And I’ll Send You A Personal Polaroid! Meow!