Triaccord – A Trilogy Of Custom Synthesizers By Designer Love Hultén

Multimedia artist Love Hultén has created a trio of handcrafted synthesizers – The Triaccord – based on the senses of sight, hearing and touch. 

The Triaccord features three custom instruments:

  • BLUE – Visual synthesizer that generate and visualize complex mathematical formations, similar to the fractal explorer Echo Observatory
  • GREEN – 12-key synthesizer with selectable waveforms, arpeggios, and an analog filter
  • ORANGE – Theremin based synthesizer with pitch modulation and optional delay

Here’s a video of The Triaccord in action:

The Triaccord is currently being displayed, along with other of the artist’s custom instruments, in Love Hultén’s solo show at Galleri Magnus Winström, Gothenburg, Sweden. Hultén sells his custom designs via his site.

15 thoughts on “Triaccord – A Trilogy Of Custom Synthesizers By Designer Love Hultén

  1. Cant… find… a single reason to like. I’m frankly getting a bit bored with these home made noise machines inside a matchbox with only one clear justification for their existence. That being a backlash against the fact that technology is so advanced that devolution is a viable alternative. But this is not 1969 and nothing here represents the future of electronic music expression.

    1. How is this a devolution? I wish more synth designers would give more attention to the visual and kinesthetic aspects of their instruments. I think that is one of the major opportunities for evolution in hardware. We can pretty much make an infinite variety of sounds already. What I want are devices that allow me to do that in a way that inspires me to be more creative. I appreciate companies that have given some serious thought to my aesthetic interaction with the device itself.

      1. I don’t believe you are unfamiliar with my devolution description. Do you really wish to see a new Moog Polysynth made from a fence post with nails hammered into it, because it gives you a new method of interaction? These micro start-ups do not have the funds or resources of large companies, and if your idea of visual aesthetics is a mysterious blue box used as a prop in a 1960’s episode of Star Trek is representative of the way forward, I think you are mistaken. Finally, are you saying, you are awaiting new interactive devices to be more inspired? I use piano keyboards and find very little limitations in the way I use them to create music. “Music” in this instance is the vital factor for me. Perhaps you wish to make “Sound”

        1. There is a double negative in your first sentence that I don’t think you quite intended, Professor Music. But, no, I think there actually might be some middle ground between “aesthetically and kinethsthetically interesting interface” and “polymoog made from a fence post.” Have fun with your keyboard though. I’m sure you are doing groundbreaking work.

          1. Read carefully, there is no double negative. I could reword it to say you are familiar with my description of de-evolution. There. Are you happy now? “Have fun with my keyboard?”…. What is that supposed to mean apart from some form of an attempt to belittle me? Am I to be relegated to a footnote in history when pianists played pianos? And I must thank you for showing respect as Professor Music since I have been academically involved professionally in music since 1976.

            1. The “don’t” and “un-” constitute a double negative whether or not you were pretentious enough to intend it. I should know, for I have been professionally affiliated with the instruction of languages at many an august academic institution since the year 1914. As to your original point, I have not been unpersuaded by your altogether not unimpressive academic pedigree: it is either keyboards or savages playing polymoog fence posts. There is simply no other options, and for very, very important men like us, the choice must never drift into unclarity.

        2. > Do you really wish to see a new Moog Polysynth made from a fence post with nails hammered into it?

          Yes, that sounds really cool. Put me down on the wait list, thanks!

  2. I don’t believe you are unfamiliar is exactly the same meaning as
    I do believe you are familiar

    Would it be incorrect to say I do not believe you are unaware of the destruction of the World Trade Centre?

    The sentence does not nullify it’s correctness.

    1. Quite right, professor, quite right. Now to attend to the only question which doesn’t remain altogether not unsolved ::lights enormous pipe:: how to stop these heathens from putting synthesizers in sculptures?

      1. I’m giving you a like on this one. We may have spilt blood on the battlefield of grammar but I see no reason for more brave young vowels and consonents to suffer while we squabble when brandy and cigars await in the drawing room.

      2. Wow, you are really ridiculous- these little toys look cool, but they’re not for anyone who actually knows how to play an instrument. I love the way they look but, we already have enough boutique artisanal noise boxes. It’s not innovative, it’s retro trendy. Instead of always trying to break new ground, how about people study a bit…

        1. Cool, thank you for letting me know that the thing I thought was interesting is not actually interesting. I might not have known without your help. I might have just continued to enjoy that thing that clearly ought not to be enjoyed. That was a close one!

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