Chris Stack’s Xenography

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=1563933383 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small] Synthesist and music writer (Experimental Synth) Chris Stack has a new album out, Xenography, that explores creative synthesis and electronics, combined with traditional instruments. 

Experimental Synth’s littleBits + Koushion + Ableton Demo

Chris Stack, aka Experimental Synth, has been working on a series of videos exploring possibilities with the new LittleBits MIDI and CV modules. Stack says, “[In this video series] I was able to hook LittleBits into my DSI Pro 2, Moog Voyager, Ableton and Koushion in some really interesting ways, and the results were surprisingly… Read More Experimental Synth’s littleBits + Koushion + Ableton Demo